Example sentences of "[coord] [pos pn] head " in BNC.

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1 All through the week they gathered waiting for someone to pop his or her head round the entrance and shout that there was an audition , and they were off like a shot , their audition clothes naturally packed in a case by their table .
2 ‘ The hammer ’ , Hortensia said , ‘ is actually a ruddy great cannon-ball on the end of a long bit of wire , and the thrower whisks it round and round his or her head faster and faster and then lets it go .
3 These include goals and targets agreed by each expert with his or her head of department which the expert will be required to attain over the coming year .
4 The moment when it enters his or her head , that X was the one who did it , can thus be concealed and brought out only at the very end of the story .
5 There was something odd in the way Faye was looking … no , peering … at those pictures , shifting the book or her head as if she had to see past some obstruction to get a good look .
6 On the other hand , if the right to refuse to transfer does not entail the right to remain for the transferor , perhaps the employee 's right to refuse on the sale of a business is nearly illusory , and he or she is in reality in no better position than the worker who sees the employing company bought over his or her head .
7 The captain , Phil Carrick , last month put the cat among the pigeons , or his head upon the block ( depending upon each Yorkshireman 's point of view on his county 's cricket , without which no Tyke is properly dressed ) by writing a letter , with his players ' support , in which he advocated the abandonment of the holy writ , the birth qualification .
8 A man can cope with having a straggly beard or his head being bald , but his definition of himself as male belongs primarily to his sexual functioning .
9 Other things we can observe carefully , and then draw , such as a child , how his limbs grow , or his head , to look and see where for instance his eyes come in relation to the top of his head and the bottom of his chin .
10 Most meditatively — remember Drury Lane , he murmured , and , his favourite whip and spur , ‘ Attack , boy , attack ! ’ — so meditatively that no one could fail to be impressed by the inner preoccupation of the handsome gentleman in Hessian boots who ruminated across the turf , he paced a slow , measured entrance to the very central point of the circle without once raising his gaze from the earth or his head from the cusp of a hand which supported its pensive load .
11 Lucie did not raise his voice or his head .
12 And excellent sight is most important if your world is in the air or your head is more than a few feet above the ground .
13 I can only suggest that the feathers you had gained for your hat , or your head , during your 10 months in America , should be collected then stuck up your tochas .
14 Collecting sounds from recordings or your head and asking yourself if they 're warm or bright , distorted or not and what sort of delay or reverb they have .
15 She said , ‘ According to Tom Lofthouse , you did n't lose your nerve or your head when you ran into a real accident . ’
16 Indeed the heat and glare were taking a heavier toll , and my head was buzzing .
17 My eyes feel all hot and my head 's prickly like someone 's pulled my hair .
18 But it is so vindictively cold in this ill-lit room , and my alabaster hand aches so much from the thousands of words I have put down on this unhappy day , and my head still throbs , and my stomach is so empty , and my grief is so heavy , that I think it would be wise of me to break off at this point , this hinge , blow out the once again guttering candle and for the third time today go down the stone stairs to streets where it is always February .
19 My interest in whether they were making much progress towards the glorious flavours beginning to arrive from Australia , New Zealand and Southern America was only somewhat tempered by a certain nervousness on behalf of my liver and my head .
20 I came out , shorn , and my head felt cold .
21 I know that if my feet leave the floor of the cave then I 'll float upwards and my head 'll hit the ceiling and my skull 'll get bashed in and I 'll die .
22 I tried to fight , honest I did , but he were too strong and my head was hurting and … ’
23 My hands would grow to twice their size and my head would shrink .
24 They could only see Blefuscu 's warships coming closer , as I was swimming and my head was occasionally under the water .
25 I was going to lash out , I wanted to strangle her , I was really getting uptight and my head was spinning .
26 ‘ My back aches and my head hurts .
27 I remember one evening we went up to bed , and my head was just spinning because we 'd had about ten ten people had come in , some of them overlapping and some had you know but I 'd say at one stage we had about seven people in the flat together .
28 This could n't be true , I thought , as the man inserted the chisel into my mouth and poised the mallet ; but all doubts were erased as the metal rod thudded against the remnants of my tooth and my head in turn shot back into the little WAAF 's bosom .
29 I was unsteady on my feet , and my head felt like a leftover battlefield , but everything seemed to be in more or less working order .
30 Once we got to Heathrow airport I was able to get out of the car and stretch my legs as on travelling down to London I had fallen asleep with my knees on the floor and my head on the seat .
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