Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] let " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then I more or less let the whole thing drop , ’ he said .
2 What you have to steal : If you have an expensive car sitting in the driveway , or inadvertently let slip in the pub about your latest classy hi-fi , you could be drawing attention to your house as being potentially worth breaking into .
3 When you become more proficient , you may want to retrim ; at this stage correct it with the stick , or just let it crab , since this will help to reduce problems during the more difficult slowing down phase .
4 Indeed , the only question seemed to be whether he should even bother to make a move , or just let her do everything for him .
5 As I picked it up to throw it aside a line of small print caught my eye : ‘ Ivory tower for long or short let .
6 For understandable reasons , salerooms are reluctant to discuss , or even let their employees discuss , individual salaries .
7 I am almost tempted to produce some enormous prize for any bookseller who can furnish me with a list of the shortlisted titles , or even let me know if they have the winning title in stock : I feel confident that I would have no takers .
8 In fact , I had once or twice let myself be tempted into making overtures to her .
9 Bathsheba could say no more , and weakly let him put it on her finger .
10 Unfortunately , for Third Lanark 's dwindling fans , he sobered up at half-time and duly let in five goals .
11 Charlie felt he had suffered enough insults for one day and suddenly let rip , ‘ Sergeant Trumper , 7312087 .
12 You messed up their surveillance , you beat up their agents , you went in for exactly the same unauthorised adventurism as they had — and so let them off the hook .
13 He wanted to have an intercom by the front door and only let people in by appointment .
14 During the whole of this depressing downward spiral , Cassie felt bleakly sad and lonely , but she smiled equally upon all , and only let the mask slip in the privacy of Rose Cottage .
15 But there were indications that Mr Gorbachev feels compromised and personally let down by President Bush after their talks in Malta earlier this month , when both leaders undertook to consult on actions that could undermine international stability .
16 Perhaps it was newspaper speculation that the ‘ courting couple ’ were about to get married that convinced Jason it was time to turn the tide in favour of something nearer the truth and gently let everyone into their secret that it was just one big publicity stunt which , once started , was easier to carry on with than deny , and far more profitable in any event .
17 Everything is open to interpretation , usually by the police , and the poor , hard-pressed licensee and his customers are so confused that the usual solution is to avoid the problem and not let children into the pub at all .
18 The solution was to operate independently , to abide by the unwritten rules of royal management and not let the Prince and Princess get into a position where they were competing for the limelight except when the occasion was pure entertainment .
19 Was it possible the old fox had sussed him out and not let it show ?
20 Though the head needs to bubble with enthusiasm reasonable requests will sometimes need to be refused solely to keep a balance and not let pressures get out of hand .
21 ‘ If there is one thing that Sweden taught me , it was to hang in there and not let my head go down , even if I do n't play particularly well .
22 ‘ The idea is to save as much as you can and not let it go to the government .
23 We shall have to match his fighting spirit , and not let our fear overwhelm us before the first blow is struck .
24 Talk too much , and not let others have their say .
25 But you have to hold it down like that , and not let it burst free and flop trembling onto the table . ’
26 Perhaps the police would n't even let them do that , perhaps they would treat them like gypsies and move them on and on and not let them stop anywhere .
27 But even this , Wemmick decides to keep to his life at Walworth and not let it be mentioned in Little Britain which even though it seems odd , stays within the boundaries of his character which Dickens has been building on .
28 Who just want to take over your mind and not let you think for yourself .
29 Hence , the ‘ Bow-Wave Phenomenon ’ turned into the ‘ Barrack Square Syndrome ’ , in which the only way to mop up money was to spend it on a few quickly and easily let contracts , like refurbishing barrack squares and military roads !
30 Her crisis had passed , leaving her feeling exhausted and somewhat short of breath ; it would not be difficult to allow Mitzi to rehearse her grievances against the male population without herself expanding on the subject , and thus let Mitzi believe that she was in agreement with her .
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