Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] need " in BNC.

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1 Only people of 20 stone or more need apply , says manager Nick Burrows .
2 And this need not be just the prerogative ( and burden ) of leaders but develop into a healthy mutuality between lay people , as is already happening in various parts of the Church .
3 And this need not be seen as a particularly innovative piece of verbal transvestism on the part of the Shipman .
4 Marly lands should be sown early and the reasons for it , light and sandy need not be sown early , and the reasons , wet and marshy must be well dug and furrowed , batten and derelict lands should be sown with broom .
5 For a start , this proposition would seem deeply alarming to a common lawyer , but that need not trouble us here .
6 The rule of law is the benchmark by which the Library Association directs the profession on matters of censorship , but that need not prevent its challenging the concept of legalized censorship .
7 But that need n't be a problem — as long as you both expect the same from your love .
8 We can note in passing that the book is a ‘ Breeches ’ Bible , but that need not delay us here since the misunderstood version is discussed elsewhere ( see Chapter 9 ) .
9 But that need not discourage ideas from members for articles on the home front : for example , what your group is doing , any successes you may have had on behalf of prisoners-of-conscience .
10 True , it is an altruism grounded in selfishness , but that need not bother us ( it can only lead into the usual teenage casuistry about altruism always being ultimately selfish ) .
11 You can imagine how fascinated Rosette is by everything a woman like your mother does ; but that need n't mean that there 's much truth in what she tells one . ’
12 but that need n't be the case .
13 So I think erm there is there is a difference between us in all of that , but that need n't necessarily mean that we wo n't identify a site in the future .
14 I am sure that in the majority of instances the shepherding done by leaders is done very responsibly , but this need not be the case .
15 During the menopause a drop in hormone levels may account for a temporary loss of sexual desire in women , but this need not be more than a passing loss .
16 Workshops may have existed , as Dickinson suggests , from the later sixth century , but this need not affect any argument regarding the method of manufacture .
17 Sometimes they will complete tasks more slowly , owing to a slower rate of informational input ( Mason and Tobin , 1986 ) , but this need not necessarily reflect a reduced level of comprehension , although it may be mistaken for this .
18 The book is intended for undergraduates in their second or third year of a philosophy degree , but this need not necessarily deter readers with other backgrounds ; e.g. , my father claims to be able to understand it , though perhaps he would not thank me for the suggestion that he is representative .
19 But this need not necessarily be so , and almost certainly it will not always be so …
20 Also , hairdresser Charles Worthington recommends colouring to boost dull hair , ‘ but this need n't mean drastic change , just enhancement . ’
21 ( There is in some machines a lower level called microcode but this need not concern us here . )
22 In the traditional archive the storage of documents and their use usually took place at one location , but this need not be the pattern of organisation maintained for electronic archives .
23 In fact , there is a buffer between the program and the operating system , but this need only concern you when you are organising your program for maximum file access efficiency .
24 As shown , the inversion breakpoint which disrupted the duplicated region coincides with a boundary of the cluster duplication event , but this need not have been the case .
25 Its claim is that their actions should reflect reasons which apply also to their subjects , but these need not be reasons advancing their interests .
26 Other special types are available in some cases to cater for specific applications but these need not concern us in this book .
27 There are ad hoc bodies dealing with some of the functions of the former counties , but these need not detain us as their tasks do not fall within the main concerns of this book .
28 The interpretive attitude needs paradigms to function effectively , but these need not be matters of convention .
29 ‘ Court dress is sombre , but black need n't be dull at all .
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