Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] war " in BNC.

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1 The documents suggest that the radioactive waste was dumped during the Second World War or Korean War , from the Army 's Niagara Falls plant or nearby private plants operating under government contract .
2 As he no longer wrote to relatives or old war comrades , he explained stiffly , ‘ I 'm expecting word from my daughter in London .
3 Barbarian invasion or civil war could also bring vast unpopularity on the Christians , cast as scapegoats .
4 The result would , at best , have been clerical absolutism , at worst , Communist takeover or civil war .
5 act of war or civil war
6 Even the establishment of the fascist regimes in Europe , while it involved the use of violence on a considerable scale , did not result from a massive armed confrontation or civil war .
7 The crisis has unsettled financial markets and brought dire predictions of revolution or civil war from some politicians .
8 As long as war went on in Europe the French would have to make it their main area of activity and could not concentrate on colonial or naval war .
9 We know that the Trojan War , you know erm , what 's described in the Iliad and the Odyssey to the kiddies and er all these Greek and Greek heroes , we know that war actually happened , but it happened an awful long time before these poems were written and er Freud 's view is that what happens in a culture is there 's some initial traumatic event like the French Revolution or Trojan War , there 's a period of latency during which it seems to be forgotten about and nothing very much happens anyway , and then at a later stage it comes back again , there 's a return of a repressed and er Freud erm Freud quotes one or two other examples , er of the same kind of thing and Mike 's example is a very good one albeit er perhaps it 's good because it 's so recent , so the point you 're making Mike is that are you saying that Freud 's analogy is , is credible where French history and even industrial relations is concerned that there was a trauma , the Revolution of seventeen eighty nine , there were latency periods and then this kept coming back from the repressed time and time again ?
10 ‘ Suddenly everyone was getting on stage and doing a load of angry jokes about the Prime Minister or nuclear war and not just about how pretty table napkins were , ’ comments Merton .
11 The terror of a lost shoe or a missed train are as great here as those of guerrilla attack or nuclear war . )
12 This argument was frequently used by Eisenhower given his fear that an arms race might ultimately lead to dictatorship at home , an American garrison state , and national bankruptcy or general war .
13 Harrison 's vision of a nightmarish future for inner cities , locked in a cold or hot war between have-nots and the forces of public order , was echoed by Robert Chesshyre ( 1987 , p. 95 ) , who concluded that by the late 1980s :
14 In Uganda , the apparent impossibility of integrating localism with an effective central government , and the consequent reliance on military authority , has had tragic consequences : civil strife or open war was prevalent from at least 1971 until 1986 .
15 The justification for crisis management , to those who argue the case , lies in the self-evident desirability of avoiding instability or open war .
16 In addition to his military household , rewarded with " annual gifts " of clothes and equipment , Charles had to field armies for the sort of warfare that did not appeal much to Frankish nobles — namely , defensive or non-expansionist war ; and here the availability of cash stipends may have helped recruit professional warriors ( including Vikings ) .
17 The form this took was to call for a jihad , or holy war , against the US forces and the overthrow of Saudi King Fahd and President Mubarak of Egypt .
18 The boom went on through , and despite , the eight-year war with Iran , and that war then produced its own characteristic public monuments .
19 I suspect what the conclusion wants to imply is that there is something in the philosophy of science which says that science should be used for good things and that war is not one of these .
20 But however the causes may be conceived , it remains that war itself is one of the major forms of political conflict , and that war has important and far-reaching political consequences .
21 No-one of my generation set out to be a war correspondent , at least not in Europe , because we supposed that previous generations had disposed of all that and that war in Europe , if it were ever to occur again , would be the kind of war that would leave no-one alive to write about it .
22 Churchill commented that the " British people would not easily be influenced by what happened in the distant jungles of South-East Asia ; but they did know that there was a powerful American base in East Anglia and that war with China , who would invoke the Sino-Russian Pact , might mean an assault by hydrogen bombs on these islands " .
23 Before Mussolini was able to take his chance , Italy was drawn into World War I. At first she remained neutral , but in 1915 threw in her lot with the allies and declared war on Austria .
24 Next day , Congress declared war on Japan ; three days later Germany fulfilled her agreement to support Japan , and declared war on the United States .
25 Fully confident of German support , Vienna issued Serbia an ultimatum which she could not fulfil , and declared war .
26 His pelvis fractured and back broken , he 'd been hospitalized for eighteen months , was undergoing final therapy and still a lieutenant in the Finnish Air Force when , on June 25 , 1941 , Finland joined forces with Nazi Germany and declared war on Russia .
27 There is now a horrific and bloody war being waged within me .
28 as is probably the case in rheumatoid arthritis , then the whole process is a wasteful and destructive war .
29 We held it was the duty of revolutionary Socialists to denounce both imperialist peace and imperialist war as the inevitable consequences of Capitalism and , whichever came , to carry on the independent class struggle of the workers , directing it towards the conquest of Worker 's Power … .
30 And this war , apart from its lack of purpose , is also militarily undefined .
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