Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] themselves " in BNC.

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1 But ZZAP ! has never looked at the other side of the problem or asked themselves : ‘ Why is there so much software piracy ? ’
2 As far as she was aware , no one had cut themselves or pricked themselves with a needle .
3 Body language can suggest you have like jumping out a window or hanging themselves or whatever .
4 They tell little lies to get themselves out of trouble or make themselves look good , but real villains live in a fantasy world .
5 Another one of his tricks was to lurk behind the counter at the Turk 's Head so customers would think there was no one there , and then , when they were thinking of leaving or helping themselves to the jam doughnuts , he 'd leap on to a wooden box to bring his large dome head just above the level of the counter and say , ‘ Can I help you ? ’ in a very loud voice .
6 The corporations are also the development-control authority for the designated area , so they may thus determine planning applications made to them or deem themselves planning permission by resolution .
7 However severe the victimization or inequality of potential pay , they give no thought to having a lottery to determine positions on the coal face [ thc Durham tradition — of cavilling ] ; however their labor may be divided , they have little impulse to regulate production collectively or coordinate themselves in work groups to forestall management initiative .
8 Subject to invasions and to the steady and relentless pressure to Germanise or Polonise themselves they had watched their language and culture dwindle away as the other Pomeranian cultures had done before them .
9 Rather than finishing school and entering work , young people were as likely to enter training schemes , temporary college courses , part time and temporary employment , odd jobs of all kinds or to find themselves unemployed as they were to find jobs directly .
10 If his army were crushed and Kuwait taken by force , and if the allied forces were then eager to pack up and go home or found themselves no longer wanted , UN peacekeepers could step in .
11 But these were matters which preoccupied theologians ( whose intellectual reputation was not high ) , philosophers and artists ( who were admired but somewhat in the manner in which wealthy men admire the diamonds they can afford to buy their women ) and social critics , of the left or right , who did not like the kind of society they lived in or found themselves forced into .
12 These arise from a household 's obligation to devote many unpaid hours of work to caring for its dependent members , and from the fact that some households have only one fit person of working age who has to choose between doing this , or going out to earn a living , or driving themselves to exhaustion trying to do both .
13 Patients are advised to eat regular meals , avoid certain foods , take tablets or inject themselves with insulin , monitor their blood glucose levels , to be careful with alcohol and see their doctors regularly .
14 It is a prosperous-looking place , either because there is wine money here , made from the vineyards of Irouléguy , or because well-off Basques have retired to this very calm and convenient valley , to renovate the old houses or build themselves shiny new ones , reminiscent but hardly imitative of the lovely old style of Basque domestic architecture .
15 In some ways , it does , I suppose , for many women ; for children are beginning to grow independent and women can resume their careers or involve themselves more fully in their work if they have continued to work outside the home .
16 Whilst most of us , for example , can cope with having the occasional murderous thought about people we love , or work with , there are other people for whom such thoughts constitute a profound assault on their self-worth , and who must , therefore , either suffer that sense of worthlessness or involve themselves in an intense effort to deny or rationalize the thought .
17 It implies that , since subjects can not completely understand or communicate with each other , or even themselves , the full ‘ representation ’ of women by female subjects , or of particular , female-identified subject areas , methods or theories , is impossible .
18 But although amino acids might well have become strung together to form primitive proteins , it is difficult to see how those proteins could have had any kind of coherent structure , or multiplied themselves efficiently , without help from DNA .
19 400e ) , they identified themselves with the state , or put themselves on a level with it : they did not openly claim to rule it .
20 They ensure , for example , that meals are eaten at the right time , that appointments are kept , that a daily routine is adhered to and that patients do not neglect themselves or put themselves in danger .
21 Five or six people I 've never met lounge discreetly in chairs with their legs crossed , or spread themselves upon the floor , clutching their knees .
22 Their pay in paper money was so bad and came so late that unless they had peasant relatives who could supply food , they were reduced to making shoes , singing psalms in church , or hiring themselves out as labourers to peasants .
23 First , many patients in hospital have taken overdoses or injured themselves in the past .
24 Walter Friedmann describes the difficulties experienced by young people struggling to educate or better themselves , while coping with hostel life and trying to make a living :
25 It was pointed out in Chapter 4 that most patients who take overdoses or injure themselves do not require psychiatric inpatient care because they are able to take responsibility for themselves or have sufficient support available .
26 Patients at risk may be more likely to take an overdose or injure themselves if aware both of such behaviour by others and the increased attention from staff and patients which usually results .
27 The problem of deliberate self-poisoning and self-injury has placed enormous pressure on the stiff ( physicians , nurses , psychiatrists ) and services ( casualty and emergency departments , medical admission units , psychiatric and social work departments ) involved in the care of patients who take overdoses or injure themselves , and this has been one of the factors that has promoted a re-examination of previously accepted policies for the management of attempted suicide patients .
28 Individuals who repeatedly take overdoses or injure themselves constitute a group for which there is a considerable dearth of information , both of the causes of this behaviour and means of providing effective help .
29 Here is William Wheeler , the last great encyclopediast of ants ( 1910 ) , describing Amazon ants at home : they sit about in stolid idleness , or pass the long hours begging the slaves for food or cleaning themselves and burnishing their ruddy armour .
30 I think that here they were undertaking an additional obligation or rendering themselves liable to an increased detriment .
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