Example sentences of "[noun prp] kingdom the " in BNC.

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1 That is the nature of the self-punishment which Britain inflicted on itself by maintaining in its law the assertion that citizens of other countries , wholly independent and acknowledging a different head of state , were nevertheless in every respect members of the single category of ‘ British subjects ’ , possessing within the United Kingdom the rights that attach to that category .
2 Thomas Mayer and his son , Thomas Walton Mayer of Newcastle-under-Lyme , sent to every veterinary surgeon in the United Kingdom the draft of a memorial addressed to the governors of the London College , with the ultimate objective of gaining a Charter of Incorporation ‘ to protect us from illiterate and uneducated men , and to afford us the same privileges and exemptions which other professional bodies possess ’ .
3 In the United Kingdom the Roman Catholic and Republican minority of Northern Ireland took to the streets in protest against the injustices meted out to their kind by the Provincial Government and condoned in Whitehall ( see Cameron Report 1969 Cmd 532 ) .
4 In the United Kingdom the legislature has effectively long since surrendered the power of the purse to the executive , but that is far from being the case in the United States .
5 In the United Kingdom the 1836 Births and Deaths Registration Act provides the framework for the current system of death registration .
6 Under the system of death registration functioning in the United Kingdom the cause of death must be described on the death certificate .
7 Not all have done so ; most have designated the Central Authority ( including in the case of the United Kingdom the subsidiary authorities in each part of the U.K. ) , but others have specified the president or registrar of or public prosecutor attached to a local court within whose area the addressee is to be found .
8 Identified by Hobsbawm as The Age of Capital , in the history of Co-operation in the United Kingdom the period 1848 to 1875 is marked by the emergence of the Consumers ' Movement as a major feature of retail trade , the exposure of the antithesis between it and Producers ' Co-operation and , as a result , the virtual abandonment of the latter as an expression of democracy .
9 In the United Kingdom the attitude to testing has been more ambivalent , although examinations and tests have played an important part in British education for well over a century .
10 In the United Kingdom the doctrine of legislative supremacy dictates that Parliament has power to legislate on constitutional matters .
11 In the United Kingdom the Faculty of Public Health Medicine is charged with the responsibility of maintaining and developing postgraduate training and education in the specialty .
12 Figure 8.1 shows for the United Kingdom the estimated public expenditure for 1989–90 on the highest spending services .
13 In the United Kingdom the Homeowners ' account continued to show substantial improvement with a reduced level of subsidence claims .
14 on the date of import into the United Kingdom the car which was the subject of the total loss settlement would have been exempt from value added tax and car tax
15 Why is the United Kingdom the only economy in the European Community that is in recession ?
16 We estimate that in the United Kingdom the average cost in 1991-92 to a non-pensioner basic rate taxpayer would be £280 .
17 In the House on 20 November , I said that there must be a provision giving the United Kingdom the right to decide for ourselves whether or not to move to stage 3 .
18 The report states that rates of child poverty ’ remained constant in the 1980 's for most countries , but doubled in the United Kingdom The results of longitudinal studies suggest that countries that have more child poverty and do not provide universal child care or other programmes to reduce inequalities before the child goes into the school system will have more crime .
19 WAR CRIMES : in the United Kingdom the War Crimes Act , allowing for the prosecution of alleged Nazi war criminals , received the Royal Assent on May 9 , despite having been defeated twice in the House of Lords .
20 In the United Kingdom the net effective rate for current taxation was 8% ( 1992 8% ) after deduction of advance corporation tax of 25% ( 1992 25% ) .
21 In the United Kingdom the three large credit reference agencies , Infolink , CCN , and Equifax , hold data on 100 million accounts .
22 By executing and keeping such documents outside the United Kingdom the purchaser can significantly reduce the stamp duty it must pay .
23 It is also quite clear that if , prior to the ten year charge , the asset had been located in the United Kingdom the fact that it is taken outside the United Kingdom so that trust becomes an excluded property trust does not cause a tax charge in itself .
24 If there is no qualifying interest in possession s48(4) ( b ) states that if it can be shown that all known persons for whose benefit the settled property or income from it has been or might be applied or who are or might become beneficially entitled to an interest in possession are persons neither domiciled nor ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom the gilt relief will be applicable .
25 In the United Kingdom the Wilson government 's incomes policy broke down in 1969–70 in a ‘ winter of discontent ’ .
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