Example sentences of "[noun prp] which allow " in BNC.

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1 The company has also developed an application programming interface , for CodeCenter which allows users to integrate their environments with Hewlett-Packard Co 's SoftBench CASE system and Sun Microsystems Inc 's ToolTalk messaging service .
2 Included in the package are Ventura Scan and Ventura Separator which allow you to do reasonably professional colour DTP .
3 Nevertheless the Spanish translation of Rousseau 's Social Contract could appeal to a ‘ son of Padilla ’ ; it was enthusiasm for the parliamentary institutions of medieval Spain which allowed the Cortes of Cadiz to present a constitution , founded on the constitutions of Revolutionary France , as the culmination of the ‘ true ’ constitutional development of Spain .
4 On Dec. 13 the human rights organization Amnesty International issued a report claiming that hundreds of innocent people had been killed in the previous six months and criticizing the provisions of the emergency powers decreed in early November which allowed the disposal of bodies by the security forces without a post-mortem or inquest [ see p. 37007 ] .
5 The try came after good work by Gordon Lawrie and then a blindside move featuring Mike Allingham and Andy McRobbie which allowed Russell Adam to go over at the corner .
6 Barrow was a White Knight — headhunted to fight off a corporate raider — for whom Kennecott had to pay over $1m. in order to match a clause in Barrow 's contract with Exxon which allowed him bonuses in line with the rising price of the company 's stock .
7 The admission of new members to a Europe which allows them to adopt common policies only where they are feasible and productive , and the consequent necessary institutional changes which will allow existing members this option , would bring about the effective development of a ‘ Europe of varying geometry ’ in a calm and deliberate fashion .
8 The PT-120 is a tuning system for capillary GC which allows selectivity and polarity control of two serially coupled columns , including backflush function .
9 This band had such an enormous impact on the rock world in the late '60s , and it was only some years later that I fully appreciated my own debt , realising that for a ( heavy ) rock band , Zep often had an underlying funkiness , due in large part to the style of J.P.J. which allowed for some very subtle and interesting grooves .
10 He said the choice lay between an election system like PR which allowed an extremist party one MP for six per cent of the vote , or one which allowed an extremist party to take full power with just over 30 per cent .
11 The decision was prompted by a US agreement with Hungary and Poland which allowed the US to monitor the use of advanced technology .
12 The SEA is basically a limited set of changes to the Treaty of Rome which allows for majority voting in the Council of Ministers in areas connected to establishing the Internal Market , and also has some rather vague references to EMU , Political Union and other policy areas such as the environment .
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