Example sentences of "[noun prp] boys ' " in BNC.

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1 Nine pupils and two teachers were treated in hospital after being overcome by noxious fumes in a classroom at Lancaster Boys ' School , Leicester .
2 After being dismissed from his post as head of religious education at King 's Norton Boys ' School in December 1988 , Mr Nicholson began a fight for compensation .
3 The Dundee Sunday Boys ' League , which has 130 teams ranging in age from nine to 15-year-olds playing in seven leagues , faces an increase of more than 300 per cent , which an official yesterday forecast would cause 80 per cent of the teams to fold .
4 A Sunday boys ' league official forecast that the league , of about 2,000 boys aged between 9 and 15 , faced collapse as the result of the price increase from £1.35 to £4 .
5 Afterwards , the president of the Dundee Sunday boys ' league , Dave Pullar , said that he doubted if three-quarters of the teams in the leagues could carry on .
6 Gib acht ! ’ ( matched to perfection by the extraordinary sensitivity of her accompanists ) , and the Tölz Boys ' Choir are engagingly fresh and alert sounding in their charming little ‘ Bimm bamm ’ .
7 He was educated at the Orme Boys ' School , Newcastle under Lyme , then articled to the local architects Chapman & Snape .
8 ‘ the ‘ de-Teddying ’ ’ of Teddy Boys ' was , after all , the original inspiration for R. A. Butler 's short sharp shocks .
9 Shaun Devenney played off three at the beginning of last season and now plays to one , his year 's successes including the Leinster Boys ' and the Mark Ryder Under-22 championships and the Ulster Junior Foursomes .
10 His contributions included his work with Scripture Union , his long association with Cambridge University Mission , and his leading role with Andy Pierssene in setting up the Oxford Boys ' Club Trust .
11 Only last week Davis scored a course record 65 at Knebworth ( unoffical because he enjoyed preferred lies ) to win the Hertfordshire boys ' title at the expense of Hamilton , who also lost out to Davis in 1991 .
12 ‘ They 're Bebe 's kids ! ’ adds Hurricane , who has served time as the Beastie Boys ' DJ .
13 Landing in the Beastie Boys ' swimming pool , I was amazed to find I was both naked and still in employment .
14 Brian Slough , Deputy Head of Kettering Boys ' School , admitted to voting Conservative , but in his classroom practice adopted a wide range of progressive and non-traditional techniques .
15 In the evenings , after Granpa had come home for supper and the old man had gone off to the pub , I soon became bored just sitting around listening to what my sisters had been up to all day ; so I joined the Whitechapel Boys ' Club .
16 For the first two minutes Charlie defended himself well , using the ropes and the corner as he ducked and dived , remembering every skill he had learned at the Whitechapel Boys ' Club .
17 The two RAF boys ' horrifying Gulf War ordeal .
18 One solution was to provide an organization for the 13–17 age-group , such as the Working Boys ' Brigades formed in the 1860s , and the Glasgow Foundry Boys ' Religious Society .
19 Although they proposed retaining the City of London Boys ' School on the Embankment , all buildings behind , including the School of Music , would be swept away .
20 Higginson , crowning his " busy life among " the Stockport boys ' ventured to make some comments to the Governors in a letter on 14th June , " not through any belief that , in your present position in financial and other matters , you can act upon them soon ; but when and if the ability comes " .
21 Find yourself in the wrong place , with the wrong people — old buffers , young fogies , lager louts , a domino convention or two , the Vienna Boys ' Choir or the local rugby club — and your ‘ Fun Factor ’ plummets .
22 Macmillan was educated at Stellenbosch Boys ' High School .
24 At a ceremony at Belfast Castle yesterday , the following partnerships were commended : Belfast Royal Academy and Chem-Vite ; Boys ' Model and the European Commission ; St Gemma 's Secondary School and Boots ; St Gabriel 's Boys ' Secondary and the Eastern Health Board ; Little Flower Girls ' School and Royal Mail ; La Salle Boys ' Secondary and European Components Corporation , and St Mary 's Grammar
25 Angel had had a magical childhood , bucking the system at the smart Buenos Aires boys ' school of Champagnat and living during the term time in a large house in the Avenidad del Libertador .
26 ‘ Rooster ’ comes to the compilation courtesy of The Rolling Stones ' 1964 remake of Howling Wolf 's original , yet I doubt any of these would recognise the song from the Reid boys ' howling assault on it .
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