Example sentences of "[noun prp] ['s] turn " in BNC.

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1 When it was Spencer 's turn he found that although he had quite a few hours in his ‘ Fury , the Spit was a harder aeroplane to fly .
2 When Jean 's turn came for her third , she fully expected it to be as straightforward as Billy and Berta , but in the last week she got a lot of bleeding .
3 Now it was Aunt Nellie 's turn to go white .
4 And now it 's David 's turn
5 Now it was Jeff 's turn to look thrown .
6 Nor did he hesitate to acquaint Doreen with the situation , and , speaking quietly , but with a determined edge to his voice , he said , ‘ Today is Lucy 's turn to come riding .
7 The law of averages suggests it is Arsenal 's turn to beat their neighbours but the reality is they are weighed down by injury problems while Spurs , never beaten in the FA Cup at Wembley , look set to field their strongest side .
8 It was Mahoney 's turn to look puzzled .
9 In these awards there are elements of Buggins 's Turn and resurrection , but what else could be expected of the merry band of superannuated politicians commanded to commend the necessary artists ?
10 Promotion , however , tends to be slow , since it is generally governed by the principle of ‘ Buggins 's turn ’ ; one reaches the top or near-top only at about the age of 55 , when one is not far off retirement .
11 Then it was Sue 's turn , and she opened up a shimmering square of silk scarf , which had been flattened to the size of an envelope and now expanded and billowed across the table like the sail of a brilliant ship .
12 Then it was Toby 's turn .
13 It 's Toby 's turn .
14 Next it was Prince Edward 's turn to greet her .
15 Then it was Edward 's turn , and after that he said , ‘ I 'm glad you approve , my dear .
16 Georges Feydeau 's turn of the century French farce is a classic of its kind and this production brings it to funny , frantic life .
17 Georges Feydeau 's turn of the century French farce is a classic of its kind and this production brings it to funny frantic life .
18 He has more than likely planned the expedition for the half of the day when it is not Northumberland Avenue 's turn for heating .
19 Richard 's turn came a few months later .
20 Richard 's turn now .
21 Peter Scudamore has been king for the last seven seasons … but now its Richard Dunwoody 's turn to lead the race … he 's the best they say … the finest horseman … they all want him to win … suddenly the pressure 's on
22 The principle is the good old British device of Buggins ' Turn .
23 He says : ‘ Dean Saunders suffered the pressure last season , Gary Pallister the season before and now it 's Shearer 's turn .
24 One day , in 1958 , it was Nicholson 's turn — and he had an acting job at last , and not just any part , but the lead in a new film .
25 Then it was Alan 's turn .
26 Then it was brother Alan 's turn to get behind the wheel and he passed .
27 Early in the second half it was Aberdeen 's turn to score from the spot through substitute Joe Miller after Richard Gough tugged Scott Booth 's jersey .
28 It was then Aberdeen 's turn to stare elimination in the face , and expulsion of the most embarrassing sort for a side who had earlier enjoyed a supposedly comfortable lead over the team from the lower league .
29 In extract 15 , for example , Cheryl 's Creole response is to the London English part of Jane 's turn , while Jane 's next turn is an English response to Cheryl 's Creole turn .
30 It was Heather 's turn to wake up for the forecast … ‘ 4,5,6,7 , even gale 8 ! ’
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