Example sentences of "[noun prp] [coord] became " in BNC.

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1 In the south the neo-fascist Italian Social Movement ( MSI ) trebled its vote to 17 per cent in Reggio Calabria and became the city 's second-largest party , proposing a coalition with the anti-Mafia Network ( La Rete ) which took 8.2 per cent , with the Democratic Party of the Left ( PDS — formerly the Communist Party ) and with the hardline Marxist Communist Refoundation Party to challenge the traditional parties .
2 Mr Sisulu , now 77 , was six years older than Mr Mandela and became something of a mentor to him on his arrival in Johannesburg in 1941 .
3 They stayed on in Constantinople and became the nucleus of the Varangian Guard , which lasted for many centuries .
4 Carne was formerly married to Burt Reynolds and became famous for her part in the American Laugh-In T-V series of the sixties .
5 He completed his training in 1855 on the Great Northern Railway at Peterborough and became locomotive shed foreman .
6 He also spent a year in England and became fluent in English .
7 He returned to England and became the leading supporter of Edward Baliol [ q.v. ] in Baliol 's attempt to secure the Scottish throne for himself and the restoration of their lands for the disinherited .
8 Before it met Eve and became a star , the apple was a humble fruit , a gift from the holy Tree of Life , which accumulated meaning in many cultures long before the Garden of Eden myth took shape .
9 Peter Denny opened an engine works in 1850 under the name Tulloch & Denny and became effective senior partner of William Denny & Bros. the following year .
10 The Keith brothers and the other leaders of the rebellion managed , as was traditional after such affairs , to escape to the Continent while Cardinal Alberoni , the driving force behind the whole affair , fell from power that December and became , like James himself , an exile in Italy .
11 The preliminary findings , particularly the HIV section , were published in Nature magazine at the beginning of December and became headline-grabbing material in the nationals .
12 The Bill was given a Third Reading on 20th July and became law on 14th August , 1855 , with the short title , The Downing Street Public Offices Extension Act 1855 , but it was not until the following March that the Office of Works circulated the necessary notices to the tenants of property to be acquired .
13 He then returned to Newcastle as medical registrar to work with Professor F. J. Nattrass and became interested in neurology , acquiring the MD ( Durham ) and MRCP ( 1940 ) .
14 By the way , Dr Cooper who moved away from Devon and became well-known as a broadcaster , never let me forget my mistake .
15 Probably a priestess took on the role of Artemis and became the epiphany of the goddess .
16 He was appointed in 1884 assistant locomotive , carriage , and wagon superintendent of the Waterford , Limerick and Western Railway of Ireland and became superintendent in the following year .
17 Most of my fellow scientists will remember Frank Rose , one of Prof Kipping 's research students who joined ICI and became renowned as a medicinal organic chemist ; he was elected FRS and received Nottingham 's first honorary degree .
18 Parsons attended the 100 Club , Hope & Anchor and the Nashville and became part of the scene .
19 Despite the rift between her father and grandfather , Diana was taken to Althorp for regular visits from her home on the Sandringham estate in Norfolk and became close to her grandparents .
20 They played turn the trencher and Blind Man 's Buff and forfeits , during the course of which Robert was required to kiss Alexandra and became entirely incoherent with rapture .
21 Prosecuting counsel said the matter came to light when the police stopped a vehicle driven by Kelly and became suspicious of a vehicle test certificate as the date of issue on it was a Sunday .
22 ( Sillars later married the Scottish Nationalist ex-MP Margo MacDonald and became SNP member for Govan in November 1988 . )
23 Peter emigrated to Australia some 20 years ago from Leicester and at this time picked up an old copy of Bradshaws and became interested in the Bishop 's Castle Railway .
24 The facade of Eagle Warehouse is by the Glasgow architect Alexander Kirkland , who built the pedestrian suspension bridge over the Clyde at Carlton Place and became Chicago 's Commissioner of Public Buildings in 1877 .
25 Everett , an extremely experienced chartered accountant , was captivated by Hayling and became personally very interested in the paper and the job opportunities it would create .
26 He was also a sun god as Harakhty , Horus of the Horizon , and as Horus of Behdet , and was the son of Osiris and Isis as Horus , as Monthu was local to Thebes and became the king 's god of warfare in the New Kingdom , when Thebes was the capital .
27 When the 1966 imprisonment again gave Paisley a high profile , he attended meetings being led by Beattie in Hillsborough and became a founding member of the Free Presbyterian congregation there .
28 About this time the Geomagnetism Unit and the Global Seismology Unit were incorporated into NERC and became component parts of IGS .
29 There he came to terms with Clovis and became tributary to him .
30 While Dace said that recession continued in the UK and became more visible in continental Europe , exchange rate movements meant that revenues were maintained in all sectors of Riva 's business .
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