Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] wanted " in BNC.

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1 When the West Country clothiers ' advocate William Temple wanted in 1739 to point to the advantages of the weavers , he stressed that it was their family earnings which lifted them above the condition of the farm worker .
2 When little Rucksana Khan was savaged by a pit bull terrier , Kenneth Baker wanted to kill all 10,000 pit bulls in Britain .
3 Saints boss Ian Branfoot wanted £1million for the tough-tackling midfielder but Everton boss Howard Kendall offered just £300,000 .
4 Christian MPs close to General Michel Aoun wanted to talk first about a Syrian withdrawal , in according with the general 's instructions .
5 But Pamela Stephenson wanted to wear one of those novelty hats with a hand holding a hammer stuck on it , and Tony Curtis fancied a huge fedora .
6 Nurse Rose had to exercise all her powers of concentration to sort out from the mumblings and digressions exactly what Mrs. Fanshawe wanted to say .
7 Contrary to what Malcolm McLaren believed , Lydon 's departure from the Sex Pistols , and the dissolution of the group , was the last thing Richard Branson wanted .
8 Tribute from the ‘ son ’ Frankie Howerd wanted to adopt
9 If Nicky Scott Wilson wanted to keep his life secret , that was fine by her ; but he need n't expect her to be a part of it , in that case .
10 Mr Edward Morris wanted several pairs of boots to be soled and heeled and what 's more he had paid for the work in advance .
11 This , in similar vein , was what David Whitaker wanted for the Doctor .
12 The Ellon farmers wanted to know just how ‘ single ’ the European market really was and Mr Biffen said the information would provide ammunition to fight politicians .
13 Dr David Owen wanted the job , offered to Chris Patten , of Governor of Hong Kong on a tax-free salary of £152,000
14 " What the hell 's going on here Some bloody fool phoned my old man and told him that I need n't come in today , that Mrs. Schofield wanted me .
15 Said that I was n't to go to the Lab this morning because Mrs. Schofield wanted me over at Leamings particular .
16 Cheryl decided that as Angela would be away all afternoon and Mrs. Yatton wanted her shoes for the weekend , she would go into Linby and fetch the shoes and at the same time collect the signalling flags , if Jessica had found them .
17 David Vernon wanted to stage a festival in which people played music to his plants .
18 Remember , Miss Carter wanted me to go pupil-teaching and then take a teacher 's course , well that 's one thing I could do ; it 's not too late , I 'm only twenty-two .
19 I thought it was what Edward Pitt wanted . ’
20 I want to know why Ewan Famber wanted to die .
21 The Husayn twins wanted to be together .
22 Ibn Fayoud wanted experience . ’
23 Peggy Greaves wanted to know why an entrance from London Road could not be made after the A3 bypass was opened .
24 Dr Mortimer wanted to know why I was asking about Mrs Lyons .
25 Eva Maria wanted to be a teacher and was offered a place , after a couple of years , at St Katherine 's Training College .
26 The Bootle Times wanted us to put them up again for a photograph , and they were left until the next day because it was raining . ’
27 Dr Neil wanted to tell her to be careful , that she really had little idea of how hard and cruel the world was outside the privileged fastness in which she had previously lived , but he contented himself with saying instead , ‘ Have a good time , McAllister .
28 But according to a report in The Builder , some architects protested against the competition , while P. L. Hardwick wanted to limit it to British architects .
29 When Gerard Salvin wanted redress against the men who had attacked his house at Croxdale , just a few miles south of Durham itself , it was Gloucester to whom he appealed .
30 When Gerard Salvin wanted redress against the men who had attacked his house at Croxdale , just a few miles south of Durham itself , it was Gloucester to whom he appealed .
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