Example sentences of "[prep] uncertainty [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The main area for uncertainty in constructive dismissal cases concerns an apparent breach of an implied term of your contract .
2 It suggested that the conventional " safety factor " which allows for uncertainty in extrapolating the results of animal tests , and for variations in sensitivity among humans , should be increased by a factor of 10 when there is evidence of post-natal toxicity , or where data relative to children is lacking .
3 Bonn urged negotiations and the Pope arrived in England after uncertainty about the visit .
4 We may roughly classify problems connected with fishing industries as those which are affected by very quick changes , such as uncertainties of the weather ; or by changes of moderate length , such as the increased demand for fish caused by the scarcity of meat during the year or two following a cattle plague . [ … ]
5 The sixth session of the Supreme Soviet opened on Sept. 15 amid uncertainty over the course of Ukraine 's economic reform and fears that its slow pace would jeopardize IMF credits [ for Ukraine 's entry to the IMF see p. 39120 ] , and also amid opposition calls for the replacement of the government .
6 Masoud Barzani of the Democratic Party of Kurdistan ( DPK ) , who led the Kurdish delegation during the talks in Baghdad , was believed to have pressed for an acceptance of the proposed settlement , despite uncertainty over the status of Kirkuk , claiming that the government was unwilling to make any further concessions .
7 The limited empirical work on the importance of uncertainty as a variable affecting investment decisions yields some support for this argument .
8 The ideas of justifying equality , of uncertainty as a major feature and of consensual individual decision-making are links to the elements in this section .
9 There continues to exist an element of uncertainty as all EC member countries are not at the same level of preparedness to proceed at an identical pace towards the final stage of European monetary unification .
10 And while the eighties saw fewer closures and many more reopenings than anyone could reasonably have hoped , it ended with thunder clouds of uncertainty about management style , privatisation , how to solve overcrowding , the Channel Tunnel .
11 And there was a deep feeling of uncertainty about the continuing validity of the Three Pillars of Britain 's traditional grand strategy — defence of the British Isles , maintenance of a favourable balance of power in Europe , and projection and protection of British interests overseas .
12 There is , surprisingly , still a good deal of uncertainty about whether animals — and if so , which animals — can solve problems of this kind .
13 There was a 50 p.c. increase in mortgage offers last time we cut our rates — in December — but that levelled off because of uncertainty about the election .
14 Motor industry executives believe that many people held off buying until after the election because of uncertainty about higher tax bills if Labour took office .
15 If what Pascal , Butler , Newman and Browning say is true , then there will always be a degree of uncertainty about whether God exists that reflects an absence of proof .
16 Diversity in sources of fuel supply is desirable in any situation of uncertainty about future supply and price of major fuel sources ; but how much diversity is desirable is a complex matter , requiring judgements of a broadly political , as well as economic character .
17 The exporter who has to plan for his company 's future in a climate of uncertainty about exchange rates is like the man forced to build his house on sand .
18 PW qualified BCCI 's 1988 accounts , which showed a loss of $49m after loan loss provisions of $145m , because of uncertainty about the impact on the group 's operations of criminal proceedings against BCCI officials on money-laundering and drug-trafficking charges in Tampa , Florida .
19 But I still have twinges of uncertainty about my place within the wider Black women 's struggle .
20 The social worker was left with a feeling of uncertainty about who her client was , a kind of balancing act being required between the needs of both of the Fitches .
21 Unlike many other aspects of the art market , antiquities still have a haze of uncertainty about exact provenance — the Sevso Treasure , currently in a bank vault in New York awaiting legal judgement over its provenance is one example , ( see p. 1 ) .
22 There is a grey area of uncertainty about others .
23 We have not attempted to include the two-dimensional angular correlation data for the APM galaxy survey or the covariance function data for radio galaxies because of uncertainty about the appropriate normalization .
24 But the sailing date kept being put back : first for lack of volunteers , then because of uncertainty about the activities of ubiquitous Francis Drake — who disliked other privateers poaching prizes he regarded as his own — and finally for a wealth of reasons so small that Ann began to suspect that they were nothing more than a smoke screen , to hide her husband 's ever-increasing infatuation with Miss Jennifer Gristy .
25 Consequently there is a good deal of uncertainty about whether the newcomers to the countryside have wrought a deterioration or a revitalization of the village community .
26 Because of uncertainty about the true palliative benefit of combined regimens we conducted a randomised study of the effects of chemotherapy and supportive care on survival and quality of life of patients with colorectal cancer .
27 Many doctors and their patients reject conventional anticancer chemotherapy for disseminated colorectal cancer in favour of unproved alternatives because of uncertainty about therapeutic gain and concern about toxic effects .
28 Counselling groups are not referring clients because of uncertainty about funding .
29 There is , accordingly , an element of uncertainty about the educational processes in higher education .
30 But as I approached home , I was filled with a sense of shame , of uncertainty about how Mum would react when I told her .
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