Example sentences of "[prep] difficulties over " in BNC.

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1 The problem position , of course , is fly-half — the berth that has given Ireland the greatest of difficulties over the past few seasons .
2 John may have spoken on the marriage bill on 22 April , however ; he would have been especially interested , because of difficulties over his intended marriage to his cousin , Eleanor Hanham , with whom he eloped in 1629 .
3 The meeting started 12 days late , apparently because of difficulties over housing delegates in the capital .
4 A Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Oct. 2 that Russia would press ahead with the sale of diesel submarines to Iran despite reports of difficulties over payments [ see p. 39122 ] .
5 There seem to be quite a few local authorities with difficulties over barrier designs , and certainly we , as cyclists , come across more ‘ bad ’ barriers ( require dismounting ) than good .
6 The increasing numbers of colleges approaching the CNAA had to do in part with difficulties over validation by universities — particularly those which were unwilling or reluctant to validate honours degrees — and in part with the attraction of the CNAA as a validating body which could consider a range of courses , including those in the areas of proposed diversification .
7 Charles did not get into difficulties over ‘ the south American quadruped ’ — it was a whole fauna of them .
8 It could also explore the circumstances under which people get into difficulties over credit use , and ways of eliminating them .
9 A particular type of credit and money-management education is that needed for the people who unfortunately have to pick up the pieces when consumers get into difficulties over credit use : consumer and community advisers , citizens ' advice bureaux staff , social workers , even probation officers .
10 The electricity privatisation also ran into difficulties over nuclear power stations .
11 A proposal to establish a commission , initially based in Hawaii , which would promote trade and develop free markets within the region , ran into difficulties over the issue of finance .
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