Example sentences of "[prep] standing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sri Lanka should have scored more , but collapsed to 182-4 after standing at 160-1 .
2 Sandy Lyle had a triple bogey seven in his 76 to stand alongside Spain 's Seve Ballesteros , who was more concerned with breaking 80 after standing at seven over par with six holes to play .
3 Holder , despite rave reports from Pakistan after standing as a neutral umpire in the series against India , has n't umpired another England Test since .
4 Malachi clucked his tongue , shook the reins and the mare , happy to be moving again after standing in the cold for so long , trotted briskly away .
5 The lighting of one hundred beacons , from Jersey to the Shetland Isles , the street parties and special events and the climactic procession by the Queen along a processional route lined by one million people waving Union Jacks under a murky grey sky — all of this implied an attempt to reclaim something permanent and enduring a sense of national pride — which had been systematically eroded by Britain 's loss of standing as a world power , and by some dark and mysterious incoming tide which carried with it the flotsam of unemployment , inflation , rising crime and social decay .
6 Regulation four is right to create an offence of standing as a candidate in more than one member state at the same election .
7 For such people any contact with the Court would have been the ultimate in defilement — though it should be noted that some of the husbands showed less scruple in accepting governmental places , even to the extent of standing for elections and taking the oath of loyalty to the Emperor and the Constitution .
8 The second is that the components of language do not have meaning for us in virtue of standing for objects , of various ontological kinds , with which we become acquainted through some kind of ostensive definition .
9 The third is the application of the second to concepts like ‘ pain' : words like ‘ pain' do not have meaning for us in virtue of standing for objects with which we become acquainted through an internal ostensive definition .
10 We were talking about the National Executive Committee and she was thinking of standing for the women 's section .
11 I might not get a chance this week to read of the collapse of reason , of the loneliness of standing for something .
12 An arch of stones , for instance , is a stable structure capable of standing for many years even if there is no cement to bind it .
13 The sentence had no effect on Barry 's eligibility to complete his current term ( due to expire on Jan. 2 , 1991 ) or to fulfil his stated intention of standing for the city council elections on Nov. 6 .
14 Fantasy came back from the horsebreaker with the terrifying habit of standing on her hind legs every time someone got on her back .
15 This might seem artificial to those who have not had the joy of standing on the fells and watching this happen .
16 Some children grasp the idea of standing on a box or steps to become higher than a tower or other object that is taller than themselves , so that , intuitively at least , they have some idea of the distinction between taller than and higher than .
17 They had done this because I was a poor , weak creature , a parasite , incapable of standing on my own feet .
18 Instead of standing on the treads , they ran down .
19 The fear of standing on the edge of a great abyss overtook me .
20 Perhaps she was incapable of standing on her own and needed the encouragement of supportive males .
21 The humiliation of standing beside a woman who smelt , dressed and looked absolutely wonderful was doing little for her ego .
22 Sukarno was about to become the storm-centre of his country 's affairs after several years of standing above the battle .
23 By long history the Bishop of Durham had the privilege of standing at the right hand of the sovereign throughout the coronation as her chief supporter .
24 I expect many mothers have had the experience of standing at the sink washing and re-washing dishes because a teenage son or daughter is standing in the kitchen talking about something important , and once the dish-washing is over , he or she will go away .
25 The bending of the light is sharper than the curvature of Venus , and the impression is therefore of standing at the bottom of a shallow bowl .
26 The ARP warden , out of work since 1930 and now a man of standing with his steel helmet , army-style respirator and dangling whistle , banged on the door of number five pleading through the letterbox with its occupant .
27 He has a way of standing with his hands by his side or behind his back , as if he does n't know what on earth to do with them .
28 That at least means that during the season they are out in the countryside throwing themselves in front of Land Rovers every Saturday instead of standing outside Safeway 's screaming abuse at shoppers .
29 So I wandered bizarrely , often with that feeling of standing outside myself as a separate and dispassionate watcher , that I had experienced the day the malais had invaded Danu but this time without the terror .
30 I am well known in much of the country by various men of standing including the Duke of Marlborough .
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