Example sentences of "[prep] waiting for " in BNC.

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1 Then , after waiting for a specified length of time , the hair can be shampooed in the usual way .
2 After waiting for Amy 's company to leave , they had tried to force Poison down the young woman 's throat .
3 and all she can think of to say is ( and here he mimicked a heavy filmstar accent which actually was nothing like the actress in the film at all , because the woman in the film is an ordinary , decent , hardworking woman ) , ‘ Oh dahlink , I 'ave missed you so much , ’ and then the first thing she does after waiting for him to come home for seven fucking years is to leave the fucking gas on while she 's making his coffee , and then of course she 's so tense that she just ca n't wait for a fag , she lights up , there you go ; bang .
4 After waiting for eight weeks the guitar finally arrived .
5 After waiting for Shildon for half an hour Rain used the phone in the Cloister and rang the Post .
6 A COUPLE were celebrating their new home today after waiting for 42 years .
7 A COUPLE were celebrating their new home today after waiting for 42 years .
8 It is an inevitable reality now after waiting for over nine months for the Commission for Racial Equality to investigate and take appropriate action .
9 There is a hungry chick somewhere below waiting for food , a blue-grey powder-puff of a chick .
10 She wrote letters all day , floated around on a lilac cloud , heart beating scarlet with desire for Astrid and the tingling delight of waiting for when she would return .
11 There was silence at that , an air of waiting for more .
12 Lisa had got a proper job at last , as though tired of waiting for the Revolution .
13 The reminiscing continued — the deaths of friends , one man marching alone through the night , the terrible hard labour it was for some men to die , night marches from one safe house to another , the rain , the wet , the damp , the cold of waiting for an ambush in one place for hours .
14 In addition there was the tension of waiting for news from the Ministry of Sport and despite all Herr Nordern 's warnings , based on his own profound experience of bureaucracy , he , as well as the rest of the family , found himself waiting with more than usual interest for the postman 's knock .
15 Indeed , instead of waiting for demand to slump , manufacturing firms cut jobs by 2% in the year before the recession took hold , lifting productivity by 4% in the year to the third quarter of 1990 — four times the typical gain in efficiency at that stage of the cycle .
16 Such an approach enables active work to go on at all times , including those when no change of placement is contemplated or during periods of waiting for a suitable placement to become available .
17 Robert Van Lierop of Vanuatu in the West Pacific and chairman of the group , told the delegates that nations like his ‘ do not have the luxury of waiting for conclusive proof ’ of global warming .
18 Filming of a third series of Waiting for God begins on May 4 for transmission in the autumn .
19 We went down into the station shelter and I experienced the familiar claustrophobic sensation of waiting for something to happen .
20 Far better , it seemed to me , was the simple strategy of waiting for nature to come to you , rather than going clumsily to look for it .
21 Instead of waiting for the predator to attack them , they use their powerful claws to turn the tables .
22 It was simply a matter of waiting for their visas to be approved .
23 There was no cool period here of waiting for the ice to break .
24 One way to reduce the problem of waiting for elusive components to arrive is to build up a stock of components .
25 Instead of waiting for chance spawnings , you can start a breeding programme with any number of different fish species .
26 Have we any answer to the jibe , ‘ If it is the right thing to do , you would be doing it now instead of waiting for everyone else' ? ’
27 It has to be said that the world would be a much better place if we just got on and did things instead of waiting for other people to do them on our behalf .
28 After five years of waiting for her neighbour to complete a sentence , the queen of coffee beans finally decided to try out another date — an Italian whose uniqueness lay in his not being able to speak a word of his native language .
29 Then it would be purely a matter of waiting for the assassin 's bullet to strike home , or a carefully planned accident to take place .
30 A sudden dedication to a foreign influence like Hegel or Derrida , brief but intense , is about the only thing there is that can cause the British to lose a sense of humour or a sense of proportion , and during the first London production of Waiting for Godot in 1955 I was reproached by strangers seated around me for laughing , though I still think it a funny play .
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