Example sentences of "[prep] doubt in " in BNC.

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1 The leaders blamed the disenchantment of their young people on an international conspiracy by reactionary forces aimed at , according to Mr Honecker , ‘ confusing people and sowing seeds of doubt in the power and advantages of socialism ’ .
2 ‘ There is not a shred of doubt in my mind that we will win , ’ he says .
3 ‘ I 'm sure no one 's trying to kidnap my horse , ’ Young said , but with a note of doubt in his voice that was a triumph for Zak .
4 Those who are interested in doubt only from a practical standpoint may want to pass from this definition of doubt as doublemindedness directly to an examination of the categories of doubt in part two .
5 The short-term need is to deal with the roots of the doubt — in this case a matter of incompleteness of the picture of God — while the long-term need is to train a habit of faith which will close the door to this type of doubt in the future .
6 ‘ O.K. , ’ she said , a note of doubt in her voice .
7 The literal reader might suggest that an articulate and stylistic expression of doubt in this vein is unlikely on a dismasted ship wallowing in stormy seas — might , that is , if Masefield 's story telling did not preclude such comment .
8 Okay , there was a little bit of doubt in there
9 The impenetrable lack of doubt in the military mind , he reflected ; if it 's been okayed on the next step up , further question becomes unnecessary .
10 ‘ Perhaps you need some pain relief , ’ he might say , immediately sowing the seeds of doubt in the woman 's mind .
11 What must be accepted at the very basis of any enquiry is that it is not , as Taylor puts it , " a command , as in conventional search strategy , but rather as a description of an area of doubt in which the question is open-ended , negotiable and dynamic . "
12 With a series of dull thuds and strangely intimate bumps the unloading began , punctuated by more of the raucous , inhuman whistles which finally blew away the remaining shreds of doubt in Zen 's mind about the reality of the kidnapping .
13 But the exchange had sown a tiny seed of doubt in his own mind …
14 This discussion has actually sort of change my perspective on it erm and so it 's it 's not that there 's an element of doubt in my mind I 'm just I if I 'm gon na go into something it 's got to be a hundred percent .
15 that 's the perfect time and I had this sort of doubt in my mind erm then I was fortunate I learnt a co a very good scripted presentation for getting referred leads and once I started to actually ask , cos that 's all it comes down to , erm then I was getting three , four , in the end I was being quite clever and saying look if you just restrict them to three then I 'll give them the same good service I reckon I 've given you this service
16 He saw the flicker of doubt in her eyes , and added with a husky laugh , ‘ I 'm not saying I do n't want you .
17 She looked up then and saw a flicker of doubt in his dark eyes and then it was gone and he shrugged .
18 First , many books already deal with doubt in terms of a theology of assurance .
19 Speaking on Radio 4 's World This Weekend he added : ‘ Their action would also call into doubt in children 's minds just what authority figures are there for . ’
20 The timetable for the implementation of the agreement which would end border controls among most EC countries by Jan. 1 , 1993 , known as the Schengen Agreement [ see pp. 37535 ; 37870 ; 38297 ] , was thrown into doubt in February amid Netherlands and German opposition to some of its elements .
21 If we seek to protect ourselves from doubt in matters of belief , the result will be ‘ inactivity ’ .
22 The person who seeks to protect himself or herself from doubt in their belief , Newman argued , is like the person who , in order to be protected from the risk of illness , never ventures outside the home .
23 Legislation has put the matter beyond doubt in eight jurisdictions in the United States and elsewhere — for example , in France.15 In the United Kingdom , although some advocate legislation , it is likely that the new description will merely be incorporated into the law without more.16 The acceptance of brain-stem death may resolve a number of problems , but there is still the problem of how it is to be established in a particular case .
24 Equally , who is liable and what is meant by ’ occupier ’ must be beyond doubt in the new Bill .
25 ‘ There was no room for doubt in your words , Wilson , nothing left to query ? ’
26 Second , there is a tendency to opt for dreams rather than direct manifestations or visions when there is any room for doubt in the text of the Gospel .
27 ‘ There must be no room for doubt in the future .
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