Example sentences of "[prep] goods for " in BNC.

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1 While state-owned and foreign businesses have held the centre of the stage for three decades , tens of thousands of informal sector artisans have been producing a range of goods for use in households , agriculture , transport and construction .
2 A wrongful possession of land for twelve years , or of goods for six years , destroys not only the former owner 's right to recover the land or goods by action , but also his title ; and so the possessor has the best of titles known to the law — a possession which no one can dispute .
3 The conference lamented the fact that manufacturers did not produce small packs of goods for single-person households , and that retailers paid little or no attention to the needs of consumers who were handicapped by age or poverty .
4 Discrimination and neglect has meant that the design of goods for older people remains a much neglected field , and questions about ease of access , the positioning of buttons and so on , have been much less interesting to designers than the aesthetic judgement .
5 In the first case the haulier and the other party undertake to carry out certain obligations ( typically the haulage of goods for an agreed price ) and the contract is made by exchange of these promises .
6 The general rule is that no one may use a goods vehicle on a road for the carriage of goods for hire or reward , or for or in connexion with any trade or business carried on by him , except under an operator 's licence ( commonly known as an O licence ) .
7 The carriage of goods for hire or reward occurs when the owner or user of the goods vehicle obtains a tangible benefit in money or money 's worth .
8 The carriage of goods for a subsidiary or for a holding company and for other companies which are subsidiaries of the same holding company is generally regarded as own account for these purposes .
9 For instance , if a business sells ten pounds worth of goods for cash , the goods go out of the business as sales and the cash comes into the business .
10 Insist though trade unions might that their purpose was not to subvert the market economy but to sell labour at a fair price as a commodity in it , the fact remained that successful trade unionism implied reduced dividends on investment , just as organising the production of goods for sale in Co-operative stores as a function of independent industrial co-operatives implied reduced dividends on purchases from them .
11 It may be supposed that Cole 's comments refer only to the production of goods for retail in the Consumers , Movement 's own stores , and are not to be read as relating to the more general development of the industrial co-operative sector .
12 Anybody who visited America at the time when the exchange rate was two dollars to the pound will confirm that they could purchase a pound 's worth of goods for a dollar ; that is , at half the price they would pay at home .
13 Regulations 802/68 and 803/68 respectively on the concept of the origin of goods and on the valuation of goods for customs purposes were enacted under Article 235 on the basis that the treaty had not otherwise provided the necessary powers .
14 The sale of goods for the purpose of resale by the purchaser to a wholesaler , retailer or distributor .
15 The sale of goods for use by the purchaser in an industrial process , e.g. manufacturing .
16 The sale of goods for use by the purchaser in the running of his business , e.g. a typewriter for use in a firm 's office .
17 an act done with the authority of the owner could amount to an appropriation of goods for the purposes of the theft act 1968 where such authority or ‘ consent had been obtained by deception .
18 A body to monitor prices was established and ordered to prepare a restricted list of goods for price regulation in inter-state deliveries .
19 A report of June 16 noted that Armenia , Azerbaijan , Byelarus , Moldova , Kazakhstan , Russia , Turkmenistan , and Uzbekistan had at a meeting in Minsk decided to introduce standardized customs tariffs and categorization of goods for foreign trade [ for customs agreement see p. 38874 ] .
20 At its simplest , countertrade is the exchange of goods for goods , rather than for cash .
21 Note : In the answer below these are assured not to be included in the stock of goods for resale on the shelves .
22 For example , often firms will receive quantity discounts when they are purchasing large quantities of goods for manufacture or resale .
23 Purchase of goods for resale are made on credit .
24 Complaints were then made about the exclusion of the lords of the King 's blood from his Council , obviously an allusion to the duke of York , about purveyance of goods for the King 's household , and about extortion by sheriffs and their officers .
25 Marks have been used to identify the makers of goods for thousands of years .
26 THE MILK of human kindness flowed in Darlington yesterday with a deluge of goods for the Kostroma appeal .
27 Without money , we would have to resort to barter : that is , the exchange of goods for goods .
28 Well , this is a slightly more complicated application , where you 're not just selling for example straight from stock , but you take orders from customers , and then you would have to manufacture , perhaps to buy in , to assemble , some sort of goods for sending out .
29 Thank you to all those who sent in goods for sale especially for those donated to NCT .
30 Thank you to all those who sent in goods for sale especially for those donated to NCT .
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