Example sentences of "[prep] human [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Precision laser fire sliced through the berserkers , killing human torch after human torch till the last had fallen .
2 It makes no sense in terms of administrative efficiency and , however little intended , it indicates a careless attitude towards human welfare .
3 There is a very strong moral attitude now towards human suffering .
5 Any trend towards human insulin might increase if the price were to decrease below that of porcine insulin .
6 Painting makes one 's hands and clothes dirty but one 's mind and being are lifted afar off into regions past human criticism and complaint .
7 It invented the suburb — the most successful invention in the history of human habitation .
8 AN IMPORTANT new archaeological site , showing evidence of human habitation more than 20 000 years ago , has been discovered on the Franklin River in South west Tasmania , lending weight to new moves by the Australian federal government to stop the dam there .
9 In the Canadian Arctic , Eglinton Island , one of the Queen Elizabeth group , is a desolate ice-bound location beyond the limits of human habitation , within 700 miles of the North Pole .
10 There were signs of human habitation , scraps of litter , faint smells , broken pottery , strange markings on the walls of the caves which seemed to stretch for ever down into the blackness beneath the cliffs .
11 We can conveniently begin with a widely drawn cosmological contrast , that between the secure realm of human habitation and activity , and the wild wasteland which surrounds and threatens it .
12 Many of the first traces of human habitation in what we now call Scotland have been identified from bones and stone implements found in caves along the approaches to the eastern firths of Forth and Tay .
13 There is no evidence of human habitation , only the appearance of absence .
14 Cross-references to this appendix are given by italic numbers , ( eg 16 ) From Joseph Conrad , The Secret Sharer On my right hand there were lines of fishing-stakes resembling a mysterious system of half-submerged bamboo fences , incomprehensible in its division of the domain of tropical fishes , and crazy of aspect as if abandoned forever by some nomad tribe of fishermen now gone to the other end of the ocean ; for there was no sign of human habitation as far as the eye could reach ( 1 ) .
15 A Darkfall storm on or near some kind of human habitation ; let's say … an old country house .
16 Dauntless was instantly suspicious because there had been no sign of human habitation for days .
17 From the verandah the only sign of human habitation was the tower of St Hilary church rising out of the trees half a mile away .
18 The driver knew that the further north they progressed into the wild untamed uplands , the more remote the oases of human habitation would become , and the less likely the chance of any assistance in his plight .
19 There are forces at work within the limits of the urban community — within the limits of any natural area of human habitation , in fact — which tend to bring about an orderly and typical grouping of its population and institutions .
20 The country was green and flat and featureless as they got nearer Hackballs Cross , with high hedges and few signs of human habitation .
21 His amusing analysis of human frailty has made him one of the folk world 's more unlikely heroes — a bard who takes the knocks but never shows the bruising .
22 There would of course have been no story if the author had not given Ayesha enough of human frailty and caprice to bring about certain changes in the circumstances of her rule over the cannibalistic Amahaggar and her relations with Leo Vincey .
23 Most important is the factor of human frailty .
24 So impatient of human frailty . ’
25 Ahead of him , Peng Yu-wei strode purposefully up the path , his long legs showing no sign of human frailty .
26 I should have thought a little evidence of human frailty would merely enhance your reputation — and the association would do mine a power of good ! ’
27 Thus , it is utterly vital to the well-being of humanity that the child-training element of human liability is given its overwhelmingly important position .
28 The operational basis of such systems rests on the incorporation of human expert knowledge within them and the manipulation of this to solve problems .
29 I am going to consider now a famous case in which the supposed regularities of human morality are attributed to the workings of adaptive rules , so providing an evolutionary explanation for part of human culture .
30 You want your perceptions heightened … and you want to shirk off all notions of human morality .
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