Example sentences of "[prep] god [det] " in BNC.

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1 Julian urges us , ‘ ’ Every morning put your mind into your heart and stand in the presence of God all the day long . ’
2 It is this sharing in the suffering of God that is so convincingly and magnificently expressed in Margaret Spufford 's recent book , Celebration .
3 So can the traditional view any longer be maintained , especially perhaps in view of the picture of God that is found in the Bible ?
4 The ‘ no meaning ’ theist denies that the theist needs to say anything about the existence of God that is intelligible to those who do n't already accept the existence of God as true .
5 Lucifer , the morning star of creation , dreamt the impossible dream : to be a creature of God that is equal to God .
6 ‘ Christ points the Church toward the Kingdom of God that is beyond the Church .
7 The Word was made flesh in Jesus Christ ; God has given himself to be understood in our terms and on our level ; and even in these terms and on that level it is the reality of God that is given for us to understand .
8 Yet it was not merely an appeal to the strength of God that was being made .
9 And I care not what may be the motive of the parents who bring their children and want them offered to Christ in the sacrament of baptism it is the grace of God that is available for them there and I think we should be very thoughtful about these matters and try to take up either one position or the other .
10 Why else should the notion of Frankenstein 's monster have affronted the imagination of generations if it was not their intuition of God that was affronted ?
11 ‘ No ! ’ he said in a hoarse scream ; and even then he was still able to feel that it must be by the grace of God that what felt like the terror of an animal in extremity should produce a cry of respectable human rage .
12 One poet wrote a poem called the Hound of Hell in which he pictures Francis Thompson , the na name of the poet , in which he he pictures Je , er God pursuing men and women down through the corridors and labyrinths of time , down throughout their life , relentlessly pursuing and no matter how much you try and give God the slip , there he is , he will pursue you , he will seek you out , he desires to ca , for you to come to know him , and you can not get rid of God that easily !
13 Certainty that God existed , or the existence of a convincing ‘ proof ’ of the existence of God such as Anselm attempts in the Proslogion , would be incompatible with faith in God .
14 In the name of God most generous and merciful !
15 But it is clear that in the case of God both ingredients are required — an act of trust and factual observation .
16 He , Jacob , who has wrestled with God all night and has more than survived the experience , now grovels before his brother !
17 If the answer is ‘ yes ’ , does this mean that they pray every day , that they attend a place of worship , that their morals and/or their life is ruled according to religious precepts — does the respondent think about God all the time , or does he behave in a ‘ godly ’ fashion ? .
18 The allegorical figure of Holy Church sets him on an inner journey as she teaches him that the object of his being is to discover a natural inward knowledge of a love for God that is greater than any other preoccupation .
19 First , it revokes the fundamental belief in a dependence of the world upon God that is not reciprocated by an equal and opposite dependence of God upon the world .
20 I do n't think I believe in God any more .
21 Some were timed to coincide with the changing seasons , reminding the people of God 's constant provision for them , and providing an opportunity to return to God some token of all that he had given .
22 confess to God those times when you sinned and ask for the gift of an ever-deepening sorrow for not co-operating with him .
23 A major emphasis was placed on Intercession and listening to God This was invaluable as we prepared for the first section of outreach in Budapest , Hungary .
24 I wish to God this business was done and we were back in Ipswich ! ’
25 For Wesley faith is a spiritual sense somehow implanted in the self by God that is ineradicable once received .
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