Example sentences of "[prep] getting [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Stealing them for resale , stealing from them , making phoney insurance claims after getting them stolen for you , even putting them through council crushers — £626 million .
2 It is all there , but there is a lot of reconstruction to do after getting it out .
3 ‘ The PCC would n't give him a bean towards getting it repaired and he said he 'd spike their guns and do it himself . ’
4 The trouble is my theory 's looking shakier all the time because McDunn 's convinced me it really was all just a smoke-screen : there is no Ares project , never was any Ares project , and Smout in his prison in Baghdad is n't connected to the guys that died ; it was just somebody coming up with a clever conspiracy theory , just a way of getting me to go to remote places and wait for phone calls and deprive me of an alibi while gorilla man did something horrible to somebody else somewhere else .
5 These types hang around the Great in the hope of getting them to pull a string .
6 While Lynch had developed his punching power , Benn needed boxing lessons and the time-honoured way of getting them is in sparring .
7 While Lynch had developed his punching power , Benn needed boxing lessons and the time-honoured way of getting them is in sparring .
8 Marriages of persons over that age , but under 18 , are completely valid ; and the only check on such marriages without the consent of parents or guardians is the difficulty of getting them celebrated by the clergyman or proper officer without making a false declaration , which involves penal consequences .
9 You may yet find a way of getting them both .
10 Just a matter of getting them fit again , no trouble there .
11 At that time the young ferrets are being handled regularly and this process of getting them accustomed to human touch and handling continues through every cleaning-out stage .
12 With close colleagues there is more chance of explaining the best way of ‘ making it easy for them ’ , of getting them on your side as allies .
13 She has only been able to distribute a few as yet , but they know that they 're there and are overjoyed at the prospect of getting them .
14 This explanation is then offered to others with the intention of getting them to agree that circumstances conspired to prevent you from performing with the excellence and flair that you would , in the normal course of events , have displayed .
15 How , then , can we go about defining our strategy in the hope of getting them to react in the right way — the way we want them to ?
16 ( Yes , readers can read : it is only a matter of getting them to want to . )
17 With such an effective way of victualling her young , the mother is able to retain them within her until they are so big that their sheer size makes them a burden and the mechanics of getting them out of her body becomes a real problem .
18 If , as Marland ( 1981 ) suggests , schools should develop new integrated subjects they will be faced with the task of getting them approved by the Secondary Examinations Council under the National Criteria for the various conventional subjects .
19 She wondered if there was any hope of getting them to play cards after supper instead of watching telly .
20 If you have access to old drawings from an engineering firm , jump at the opportunity of getting them .
21 By itself it does n't prove a thing , but it 's my way of getting them to take me to Strathspeld for the funeral ; I can look McDunn in the eye and tell him the truth and he knows it 's the truth and he 'll take me .
22 The technique of getting them to supply the missing dialogue after a silent viewing of a scene provides a good opportunity for you and them to find out what language they have at their command and how flexibly they can use it .
23 and we want prints we would decide on what the most economic way of getting them is .
24 But there 's two ways of getting them off if they do latch on to you , one is to burn them off with a cigarette or a match and the other way is to use rock salt , and if you put rock salt on them they then just come off so that 's a little bit erm more humane for the leeches but it depends what you feel about them really as to whether you want to give them another chance .
25 Erm he 'll erm if they accept it it 'll it 'll stand a chance of getting them to the main group .
26 She had only three members of her immediate family left in Bosnia but did not hold out much hope of getting them out .
27 It 's a question of getting them back , they have n't long gone but er
28 We have the problem though of getting them Donald said he was n't prepared to .
29 Somehow or other Pikey found his glasses and , in the course of getting them hung on his ears , discovered his rug was missing .
30 And having done that , you then need some people , in fact , so you do need the two types of people and if you are the team leader , you have to find some way of getting them to work together .
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