Example sentences of "[prep] using the " in BNC.

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1 So there is a difference between using the word group and functional group .
2 And there would seem to be an easy , gradual continuum between using the voice to make echoes and using it to mimic echoes .
3 I apologize for using the semimetaphorical terms ‘ hard ’ and ‘ soft ’ in this essay , but after puzzling over the matter for some time I can see no other way of setting about it .
4 Mr Quelch was ordered to pay £150 costs on top of £400 for using the device and £100 for removing fish .
5 If these two ballets were evidence of MacMillan 's gift for using the classical technique in a fresh and personal way , La Hermanas ( based on Lorca 's The House of Bernarda Alba ) , which came between , showed those themes of dark sexuality which would find their full development in Mayerling .
6 America 's Federal Highway Administration said it might invest in smart roads which could warn drivers of traffic jams and electronically collect tolls for using the road .
7 True , there may yet be the possibility of repentance as the time for using the explosives draws near , but the very step of taking explosives into one 's Possession with this intent is culpable .
8 Look down at the floor of the cab , and you 'll find a lever on the left hand side for using the Antares ' fuel-saving mode .
9 A follow-up study showed that very few of them ever had any higher ambition for using the money than buying a house or two for the family and perhaps a shop or pub .
10 Robin Lee in The Times maintained that both books were beneath criticism , Faludi 's for using the ‘ low-brow , flirtatious idiom of Cosmopolitan magazine ’ , French 's for being ‘ aggressive and intemperate ’ .
11 ‘ Because it 's too many — even for using the leapfrog system .
12 Sarge — his real name was Paul Sargeant — was an Australian who had modelled himself on John Belushi and disapproved of good language ( he once took me to task for using the word ‘ carouse ’ ) .
13 This supports the case for using the oils we like best , especially for stress-related problems .
14 For using the St. Annes tracks in Squires Gate Lane , Blackpool had to pay a levy of ½d per passenger .
15 Eventually you reinforce the child for using the turtle response spontaneously in conflict situations .
16 G. Manchester and Leeds ( 700 000 people ) became two of the greatest centres in Britain for using the cloth to make clothes .
17 Cold may go to the larynx producing hoarseness better ( > ) for using the voice , rawness and roughness .
18 What is the procedure for using the cash register ?
19 The rationale for using the aid is :
20 Right-handed males who are very susceptible to hypnosis also seem to show a preference for using the right hemisphere of the brain — the side associated with imaginative rather than analytical skills .
21 It was only in 1946 that he came up with a practical scheme for using the manyattas for higher purposes .
22 After downloading the umpteenth version of one program , loading and reloading assembling and EEPROMming software , I chanced to query the need for using the EEPROM programmer .
23 The Cord Maker comes complete with an explanatory instruction leaflet , containing suggestions for using the finished braids and cords .
24 OK , I suspect that Ms O'Connor 's motive for using the photo might have something to do with the sales of her last two singles .
25 The Oxford dictionary gives minimal comfort for using the word in this manner and it surely strikes the UK ear as pompous or worse , over-zealous .
26 I thought everything was arranged for using the Mission Hall ? ’
27 In this short series , Diane will try to solve some of the problems and give you new ideas for using the garter carriage .
28 He and weightlifter Andrew Saxton were expelled for using the drug Clenbuterol .
29 The Packs contain 16 pages of cardboard to be cut up into picture , word , letter , and number cards , together with a Teacher 's Guide offering instructions for using the cards in conjunction with the Activity Books .
30 She has a clever new idea for using the computer to read people 's hands .
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