Example sentences of "[prep] once [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Philip Jenkins has shown that in South Wales at the turn of the century Whig and Tory gentry were equal in terms of wealth and numbers , and further that a number of once firm Tory gentlemen converted to Whiggery after the Glorious Revolution .
2 The main problem here is ammonia which is excreted by all fish and produced by the breakdown of once living matter ( plants , food , dead creatures ) in your tank .
3 Phosphates : A salt of phosphoric acid used as fertiliser and also produced in the break down of once living materials in the tank
4 The history of the industry is littered with the names of once famous regional breweries and brands which disappeared after merging with a national company .
5 The most frequent sounds heard in the corridors of power at the moment are the click of handcuffs being attached to the wrists of once prominent figures from the old parties , and the hallelujahs of the young turks as they record victory after victory at the polls .
6 ‘ It was gone , Eric , ’ he had explained , his eyes fidgeting to every part of Colonel Windsor 's crammed office as if seeking some corner which would not awaken images of once familiar surroundings .
7 According to Dr Graham Rotheray , curator of insects at the National Museums of Scotland , Scotland is the last enclave of once widespread British species .
8 Too many people did that in the last recession and ended up with fancy new furniture in the living room , photos of an expensive holiday abroad , a few remains of once fashionable clothes and masses of debts .
9 Nature conservation authorities in Kazakhstan have claimed that large areas of once productive land are now littered with detritus such as burnt out rocket stages , and that the soil has become contaminated soil with toxic substances .
10 Spinneys and woods are all that remain of once thick forest cover .
11 ‘ No filming anyone who does n't want to be filmed , and any flicker of sensationalism and you 'll be out , ’ she told them on Thursday night , her smile for once absent .
12 For once Right-On people like Lowe were in total agreement with the rest of the population — the Morning Star was a write-off , its credibility rating below zero .
13 Lord Beddington , though silent , was not for once asleep .
14 BRASH comedienne Roseanne Arnold was for once left speechless when husband Tom handed her a $1 million ( £655,000 ) set of diamond and emerald jewels at a star-studded 40th birthday bash at Beverly Hills Hotel .
15 THE EASTBOUND train , for once uncrowded , stops at Marble Arch .
16 This , they argue , will give a new lease of life to moribund markets in cities like Hamburg and Hanover , which lie close to the former border between the two Germanies — near the once feared Soviet army , that is , and some way from once all-important markets to the West .
17 Distorted faces peered from walls , agonised limbs writhed from the pavements , and pillars of stone groaned with voices that came from once human lips .
18 Melissa found its clean , uncluttered lines at once calming and uplifting , and she stood for a few moments just inside the door , absorbing the tranquil atmosphere .
19 ‘ Not at all , ’ she replied , feeling at once alive and full to the brim with the enthusiasm which only a minute ago had been nowhere about .
20 The Moscato di Pantelleria from Marco de Bartoli has a glistening mahogany colour and is at once aromatic , grapy and intensely rich .
21 It was , all in all , a tourist factory , at once pretentious , shabby and expensive , and boasting levels of service unique to Eastern Europe , for no one in Western Europe would tolerate them for a moment .
22 But this is typically the at once honest and evasive acknowledgement of a troubling presence/absence .
23 The history of madness would be the history of the Other — of that which , for a given culture , is at once interior and foreign , therefore to be excluded ( so as to exorcise the interior danger ) but by being shut away ( in order to reduce its otherness ) ; whereas the history of the order imposed on things would be the history of the Same — of that which , for a given culture , is both dispersed and related , therefore to be distinguished by kinds and to be collected together into identities .
24 At once peremptory and forlorn .
25 It was at once agreeable and troubling .
26 His colours , at once resonant and muted , run from passage to passage , yet like the use of his lead , they are also specifically local and descriptive .
27 The desire to be alone with nature , which Karajan 's elder brother took to the point of eccentricity , was there in Karajan too ; an impulse , at once delighted and dispassionate , to slough off mundane things .
28 He was at once timid and status-conscious .
29 He was at once impressed and appalled with what he saw .
30 The discipline had thus successfully established and maintained the continuity of the English genius as an at once moral , human ( i.e. engendered ) , and poetic force ; and it had developed procedures for regulating the admissibility of particular fictional works to this field of predominantly male-to-male discourse .
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