Example sentences of "[prep] other human " in BNC.

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1 At a time when FISA , the sport 's organizing body , helped by the drivers ' own association , had belatedly begun to pay some attention to safety in a notably risky sport , Chapman 's remarks showed a callousness towards his drivers — and by implication , towards other human beings — that I found it hard to admire .
2 Now suffering , in the proper sense , is caused precisely by external factors affecting us , physical conditions or the actions of other human beings which afflict or constrain us .
3 They can even distinguish the scent of other human beings by sniffing the ground where they may have walked .
4 We can not do just as we like because we are limited , or constrained , by ( i ) the amount of money , or capital , we have ; ( ii ) the inventions , or technology , available ; ( iii ) the space , or land , available ; ( iv ) the resources , such as fuel or timber , or existing roads and buildings ; ( v ) the desires of other human beings which may conflict with ours .
5 Freedom of the press has a long history , but it is only since 1980 that the right to communicate and the freedom that it entails has been seen as the very centre of human rights , and indeed as a precondition for a meaningful implementation of other human rights .
6 How dare you speak of other human beings like that ?
7 In the case of other human beings I have the evidence of my senses for the first and last links of the series , but not for the intermediate link .
8 A stampede broke out , people pushing past Jezrael to the cockpit to see the first signs of other human beings through the canopy .
9 Stories on video tap the interest most of us have in the lives and predicaments of other human beings and can be used to spark off discussion in the classroom .
10 Try to be as tolerant with the views of other human beings as you are with the great outdoors .
11 Whilst counselling is n essentially an intellectual process — mostly it depends upon a facility for empathy with a wide range of other human beings — it is nonetheless very demanding in the sheer volume of literature that has to be read and understood .
12 I had to bawl those people out for not having due consideration to the effects of other human beings and the problems that they have .
13 Secondly , central bankers , like other human beings , can take the wrong decisions .
14 Like other Human Activity Systems , procedures can be considered from a number of viewpoints , each leading to the derivation of different criteria for success .
15 Like other human institutions , restaurants have a way of staying the same after all manner of changes — of menu , chef , management , even premises .
16 Form close relationships with other human beings .
17 ‘ Man , for these writers [ he said ] , is by nature solitary , asocial , unable to enter into relationships with other human beings . ’
18 Alignment of the protein sequence of AD1 with other human type III repeats .
19 Those who believe in the Christian God believe that the cause of suffering lies somewhere in our relationship with that God : part of that relationship lies in our links with other human beings .
20 She reminded herself that it was unlikely that all people could possibly be as stupid as she supposed them to be ; that at some level even she , Lydia the clever , could find common ground and communicate intelligibly with other human beings .
21 Men engage in sex relations with other human beings
22 Only if you can do so , only if you can waken a deep concern with other human beings , is there any possible basis for moral argument .
23 She talks incessantly and seems over-enthusiastic about nearly every aspect of life — prattling on without caring much about the kind of responses she gets from other human beings around .
24 Sarraute 's aim is to stress that tropistic movements are interchangeable : movements of attraction and repulsion towards or away from other human beings , and the frequently clichéd and stereotyped language they employ , demand representation in a more flexible narrative structure .
25 His interpretation was that this fulfilled her wish to avoid contamination from other human beings , and to achieve greater stature .
26 The issue here is whether the arts can be subsumed under the ‘ humanities ’ or whether they require their own heading , as being different in kind from other human phenomena .
27 The concept would be difficult enough if it were only at this level , where we say that music , dance , painting , sculpture , poetry , drama , fiction , film have crucial properties in common , which suffice to distinguish them , as a group , from other human practices .
28 And it may be that there are certain women whose beauty is so strong , so close to the archetype of the Queen of Beauty , that they produce an intense effect upon other human beings .
29 The enthusiasm generated by this approach can , however , blind ; the simplicism , the ‘ nothing butism ’ as Julian Huxley would have said , of reducing all functional explanations of complex behaviour to calculations concerning the relative fitnesses ( see p. 42 ) of gene-bearers tends to miss the major significance of human beings to other human beings .
30 When you learn that love is something you must do without , that close attachments to other human beings is a sign of weakness and that expressions of emotion are deeply shameful , how will you ever manage the openness , honesty and compromise that a close relationship demands ?
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