Example sentences of "[prep] a private " in BNC.

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1 Reagan was apparently a master : after a private meeting with King Fahd of Saudi Arabia in 1985 the king doubled his contribution to the contras to $2m a month , the subject never raised .
2 Shortly after a private reading with ‘ Bartholomew ’ in Taos , New Mexico , I drove down to the nearby Rio Grande .
3 After a private conference with Mother Superior , the Sisters announced that there would be a special rosary every morning , during the time set aside for special intentions , and that the whole Junior School would pray together that Martha and Tilda 's Daddy should come back to them .
4 The ruling was made by Family Division judge Mrs Justice Booth after a private hearing yesterday .
5 Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating agreed to restore Australian military assistance to Fiji , suspended since 1987 , after a private meeting with the new Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka , the leader of the two coups .
6 Lord Stockton , who as Harold Macmillan supported Eden 's disastrous offensive , was buried after a private funeral at the church near his house in Sussex .
7 On 27 May , after a private meeting with Pflimlin , he issued a communiqué declaring that he had begun " the proper process necessary for the establishment of a republican government " , and urging the troops in Algeria to remain " exemplary , under the command of their leaders " .
8 He will be cremated tomorrow after a private funeral service .
9 After a private meeting , Coun Williams said : ‘ A 99-year lease was granted to Grand Metropolitan in 1974 , and it was subsequently assigned to Queen 's Moat Houses .
10 IN 1991 Barbara and her husband separated after a private detective she had hired discovered he was having an affair .
11 It may , for example , have been part of a private collection which itself was catalogued , especially if the collector in question was rich .
12 In this respect , the scholarly standard of a private collection 's catalogue will be very high , and the sort of information which a reader can expect will be the same .
13 In 1978 , the mould was broken with the setting up of a private interdenominational primary school in Belfast , enabled by a special act of Parliament .
14 From 1 November 1991 , people who hold a partial help certificate ( AG3 ) under the NHS Low Income Scheme will be able to put their patient contribution towards the cost of a private home visit by their optician .
15 That means it will be the first time abortion has been debated as part of government legislation , rather than on the basis of a private member 's Bill .
16 Going Out to Galleries : Debate / Public test of a private Vision : Hildi Hawkins follows the progress of A Vision of Britain
17 The scheme was now financially viable , and the last instalment of a private start-up loan of substantially less than £1m was about to be repaid .
18 He bought it on behalf of a private institution in Switzerland .
19 Allan Lamb , the vice-captain , now finds himself short of a quorum for the easily-bored touring club , which usually takes the form of a private knockabout well out of earshot of Micky Stewart .
20 There have been major rebellions against the imposition of charges for eye and dental tests , for an amendment to grade the poll tax according to ability to pay , and for the second reading of a private members ' bill to liberalize the Official Secrets Act .
21 The chances of any of her acquaintance passing at this moment and noting that she , Phoebe Petherington , was entering the evil portals of a private hospital , were , she admitted , so small as to be risible , but that did not allay her shame .
22 The creation of a private association to prosecute offenders and chivvy local and central government into action was a pioneering effort in Victorian middle-class moral interference in the lives of the poor .
23 ‘ The action of a private member has triggered the Government into action , ’ commented Joyce D'Silva of Compassion in World Farming .
24 The new governor of Rhode Island closed more than half the state 's banks following the collapse of a private insurance fund which guarantees deposits at 45 banks not insured by the federal government .
25 Until now , Fenway Court has always retained the feeling of a private home , enhanced by such domestic touches as little vases of flowers , evening concerts and even a table laid out as if for tea ; it never seemed wholly incredible that Mrs Gardner herself would suddenly stroll through the door .
26 William Sumption , director of a private water-development group in Alabama , says : ‘ It seems we may need Daddy to tell us where the toys are on the floor , and how to share them . ’
27 The occupier of a private house ( but not the owner of a house who had never entered into possession of it ) would probably be considered to be in possession of anything placed or left in it — at any rate unless it was concealed — while the occupier of a shop has been held not to be in possession of a thing dropped in a part of the shop to which the public had access .
28 The result gives us a breathing space , but there is still the risk of a private member 's Bill . ’
29 The palazzo is a very rare example of a private house from the time of the Sforzas , and is attributed to Bramante .
30 What is at stake is not the creation of a private zone in a public place , but the restoration of a local facility which everyone can enjoy .
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