Example sentences of "[prep] student be " in BNC.

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1 Statistical evaluation of the results was performed by use of Student 's t test or one way analysis of variance followed by Duncan 's test , where application .
2 Judgements of students are often made on the basis of the subjective values of teachers or ward staff , that is , on what is believed to be good practice .
3 Dissection classes with small groups of students are excellent since even the squeamish can take part as onlookers , whilst a fellow student performs the dissection .
4 In such situations — where the best X per cent of students are to get the As , the next best nX per cent the Bs , and so on — the grade awarded to a student depends not on the absolute level of performance he or she attains but on how he or she performs relative to other students .
5 My earlier justifications of an elitist selection procedure for our target group of students are incompatible with my commitment to equality of opportunity .
6 In English and sociology , the majority of lecturers may be male , but the majority of students are female .
7 In policy-making meetings in which the School Development Plan is reviewed , in ‘ staff development ’ meetings at which ‘ student participation ’ is debated , and in the governors ' meetings , the interests of students are represented by others .
8 Thirdly , there is a group of institutions where only a minority of students are on advanced courses .
9 A large number of students are enrolled for City and Guilds and RSA certificates .
10 The fact that growing numbers of students are making the personal decision to go into higher education each year suggests strongly that our system of student support , far from providing a deterrent , is encouraging more people to go into higher education , who perhaps would not have had the confidence to do so or the belief that it is appropriate for them .
11 But I think one of the big differences with Oxford is that a very , very high proportion of students are living in college and so they 're behaviour is visible to college .
12 If a faculty , or department , or a certain special group of students is missed out then the sample itself has not been drawn from the correct population .
13 However , the teaching of students is a necessary prerequisite of good patient care .
14 You may be able to have these resources in the workshop to enable group viewing if the number of students is large .
15 The figures are broadly similar although a slightly greater number of students is involved in each practice than is the case among Schofield 's group .
16 Industrial placement of students is not a problem — we have more offers of places than we have students .
17 However , the plight of students is well known to every hon. Member and it is absurd , especially in Scotland , that local authorities are trying to collect the 20 per cent .
18 The failure to include some provision for the welfare of students is also deeply regrettable .
19 A GROUP of students is to take vital medical supplies to Albania to help thousands of poverty-stricken people .
20 These increases will have resulted in the vast majority of students being better off overall .
21 Through these courses , nuclei of students were created , some of whom proceeded to undertake more rigorous and extended studies following the formation of WEA branches .
22 By 1986 , when the repression was more selective in character , urban retention levels were much higher , though 10 per cent or more of students were still dropping out in first , fifth and sixth grades .
23 The examination committee records in London show that the majority of students were examined after nine or 18 months ' instruction , and even then they stood a chance of being referred back for a further period of study .
24 The rising generation of students were more optimistic about the future and did not carry the emotional burdens of the Cultural Revolution .
25 Divisions among different groups of students were clear ; they were not a homogeneous group but differentiated along the lines of study area , social origins , gender and so on .
26 Opportunities for the integration of students were present from the beginning .
27 When the library is a multi-media centre , it may be possible for the tape-slide sequence to be studied there , but in the typical school there would be severe limitations if more than a small proportion of students were set to do such study ; the library is usually too small for more than a tenth of the school population at best to use it at any one time .
28 And yet decade after decade thousands of students were drawn into radical activity .
29 In one of the experiments , a group of students were blindfolded and then taken on a coachride .
30 During this period a substantial number of students were involved at initial in-service and research levels , in work on Language and Education .
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