Example sentences of "[prep] period in " in BNC.

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1 Now eight or nine-year-olds are being taught about periods in schools .
2 A long term sickness benefit scheme may provide financial assistance to employees who are absent through injury/sickness for periods in excess of 26 weeks .
3 The child then becomes relatively independent of his mother and enters a sequence of periods in which his identity is established by the role that custom decrees for his age-group .
4 Indeed at secondary level the timetable of the week seems to blind one to considerations of the length of a course : the number of periods in a week or six days is debated , rather than the length of a period or the number of hours in a course .
5 Historians recognize a number of periods in labour history in which the urge among particular types of employees to organize has become compelling .
6 The key distinction is that between the case in which there is a known , finite number of periods in which firms will choose prices or outputs , and those in which either the number of periods , though finite , is not known with certainty , or the time horizon can be regarded as infinite .
7 In the tropics and subtropics this varies depending on the duration and number of periods in the year when rainfall and temperature permit high pasture levels of H. contortus larvae to develop .
8 What is more important is the length of period in education .
9 Unless people are insured for that sort of period in time any way .
10 The headteacher who organises a school on ‘ traditional ’ lines , the children sitting in rows of desks , following a school day which is divided into periods in each of which teachers deliver packets of information , can argue that his or her educational programme is appropriate .
11 So where Bangladeshis spent periods of time in the United Kingdom interspersed with periods in Bangladesh and then brought their families to the United Kingdom , took temporary accommodation , and then applied to be treated as a homeless person , it was held that the local authority was entitled to refuse them .
12 It is suggested that applying losses to the preceding three years on a ‘ first in , first out ’ , rather than the existing ‘ last in , first out ’ , basis would decrease the possibility that companies are not able to carry back losses to periods in which profits were made .
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