Example sentences of "[prep] period of " in BNC.

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1 Humus in the topsoil reduces infiltration into these soils and standing water accumulates on the surface after periods of heavy rain though such flooding is of short duration .
2 Some of the bones were removed for SEM examination after periods of 18 , 29 , 36 , 48 and 55 months , and after examination and photography they were immediately re-exposed ( Table 1.3 ) .
3 The ideal end state is reached when the student can accurately assess her own performance , but this will only occur after periods of meeting externally set requirements .
4 In Foulkes 's and Vogel 's laboratory study , for instance , standard EEG/EOG recordings were made and subjects questioned after periods of waking , Stage I sleep and Stage 2 sleep .
5 Oligarchy was normal in most civic government , but was often achieved only after periods of tension .
6 However , this mill differs from the simple prototype in having a brickbuilt outshot against its south-east elevation which was constructed to house an auxiliary steam-engine that would be brought into use during periods of drought .
7 There were few potential trouble spots , in which British forces were likely to be involved , that were not reasonably close to the sea ; and naval forces had the advantage of being able to lie out of sight over the horizon during periods of tension .
8 The use of political symbols on coins naturally becomes particularly strident at times of crisis , especially during periods of civil war .
9 The second was a farmer-substitute scheme to help those who could not obtain assistance during periods of illness .
10 Such an approach enables active work to go on at all times , including those when no change of placement is contemplated or during periods of waiting for a suitable placement to become available .
11 During periods of relative food shortage males tend to move less ; dispersion evidently reduces competition for resources .
12 Thus in discouraging industrial development , Derry 's marginal situation results not only in high levels of unemployment but is responsible for relatively high levels of increase in unemployment during periods of national recession .
13 If crime and disorder follow a U-shape pattern of long-term change , the legitimacy of the police — the extent to which they are broadly accepted as valid in mission and methods — has followed an inverse path : an upside-down U. Starting from the widespread opposition encountered at the birth of the new police , opposition gradually came to be located primarily within the less ‘ respectable ’ sections of the working class , as well as in the wider working class during periods of labour conflict .
14 What is shown is that crime-rates ( especially for property offences ) were higher during periods of unemployment than of employment .
15 Much of this is due to a combination of deforestation and the use of fire for clearance , which leave the soil susceptible to erosion , especially during periods of heavy rainfall which are relatively common .
16 Cold weather payments — During periods of very cold weather , you may be able to claim an additional £5 for every very cold week .
17 They were , on the contrary , likely to have been appreciably higher — say 30° to perhaps 50° or more during periods of significant crustal extension such as the Permian , and at times during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous .
18 Eyer suggests that the equations are really measuring increased ill-health due to the intensification of work during periods of higher prosperity !
19 A reason why a pattern of vertical stripes might have been selected as a social bonding device is that attachment takes place most strongly during periods of grooming ( right ) and this involves a zebra bending its neck creating vertical folds in the skin ( below ) ; the bold stripes could have evolved to augment and elaborate these dark lines .
20 I have discovered that during periods of withdrawal from normal mental activity — during meditation , or while hovering on the borders of sleep , for instance — it is sometimes possible to look right into that ‘ teeming womb ’ and release its contents prematurely .
21 There is provision for overtime to cope with periods of peak demand , but with demand generally static or declining during the early 1980s the need for this has only arisen during periods of particularly hot weather ( beer sales are notoriously weather sensitive ) .
22 Thus the percentage gain on the investment made is likely to be large during periods of rapid house price increases .
23 Gul Sportopaedic Supports — specially designed for professional athletes , dedicated amateurs and active sportspeople everywhere — provide necessary aid and protection to weakened or strained muscles and joints during periods of training or competition .
24 The study reveals a fragmentary history of complex deposition and supports the hypothesis that there is major deposition on the shelf edge and slope only during periods of maximum glacial advance across the shelf .
25 For the North Sea region the daily variation can be modelled accurately taking into account seasonal changes , except during periods of moderate and severe disturbance .
26 In spite of the confidence and frequency with which researchers report this technique , it is easy to imagine the constraints on the behaviour of both adults and children which occur during periods of recording :
27 ( Far from diminishing , some people find that their libido during periods of stress reaches embarrassingly high levels . )
28 For example , in many mammals growing males lay down less body fat than females ( Glucksman , 1974 ) and suffer heavier mortality during periods of food shortage as a consequence ( Clutton-Brock et al . ,
29 One possible explanation is that because early growth exerts a greater effect on reproductive success in males than females ( see above ) , selection favours increased investment by young males in growth at the expense of laying down body fat to assure survival during periods of food shortage .
30 Although Rhum was an open-system chamber , systematic changes in the mineral compositions in layered troctolites imply that the small-scale layering developed during periods of closed-system evolution .
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