Example sentences of "[prep] least [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For one thing , there were some headings of a still wider generality : for instance , " Art in the service of the will " , where the orientation towards Schopenhauer points , if not away from Greece , at least past Greece ; and in a separate note the whole plan was subtitled , without reference to Greece , " A contribution to the philosophy of history " .
2 The energy generated from running upstairs and laughing with Stella in distant Florence flowed over into the impulse to ring , in turn , her own mother : a pointless act , but one that nevertheless in the context seemed pious , necessary , propitiatory , and a gesture at least towards her sister , who bore so much heavier a filial burden , who would ( in theory at least ) be pleased to know that Liz had remembered .
3 For the Iraqis , the appeal was mainly the converse : it was a means of pushing armour , if not to the outskirts of Tehran itself , at least towards other important targets on the way , such as Kermanshah ( now renamed Bakhtaran ) and Hamadan .
4 Forster stood before the row of suits , hanging like a lie of petrified robots , and immediately recognised them for what they were ; instantly realised the enormous risk they might all be running , at least below decks .
5 In Britain the other terms referred to by Miller , ‘ society ’ and ‘ culture ’ , have been familiar at least since the 1950s , which saw the early work of Hoggart and Williams and the cultural climate of the New Left , which in turn drew on Scrutiny and the Victorian debates on the Condition of England .
6 But many commentators saw only a decline in the desire to rear or look after children , a weakening of the cohesive effects of the family , and an associated diminution of the buoyancy of the stock in terms familiar at least since the Boer War .
7 But at least since 1984 the major flashpoints of conflict between Britain and her European partners had disappeared , while Mrs Thatcher found , with the departure of Schmidt and Giscard d'Estaing , a greater eminence as both a European and a world statesman .
8 It had never yet had as its leader someone who represented one of the more extreme parties in the Church — never at least since the days of Archbishop Laud which ended in the archbishop 's head being cut off .
9 What Marx was trying to do in constructing the Asiatic system was to reconcile , on the one hand the reports of the strength of the village communities which characterized many of the accounts of Asian villages and which was manifested in their apparent ability to act organically , for example in the close co-operation and mutual reasonableness required in irrigated agriculture , and , on the other hand , a traditional view of the despotism of oriental rulers , a view which dominated European pictures of the Orient , at least since the time of Montesquieu .
10 Given the previous level of set-net effort , however , the population was probably originally much larger , and had been on the decrease for many years , at least since the rapid expansion of set-net use in the mid 1970s .
11 The fact that shareholders are no longer also running the firms they own has been chewed over at least since the 1930s .
12 Robin Hood plays had been performed in the burghs at least since 1492 , and the stories were certainly known in Scotland by the early fifteenth century .
13 By the time the 1992 election was called — exactly a month ago today — Labour had a new leader ( at least since 1983 ) and new policies .
14 The last mill these waters powered was Awre Corn Mill , an old site in use at least since the time of the Domesday Survey , having reputedly belonged to Edward the Confessor .
15 Central to those ideals had been — at least since 1922 when Tawney published his Secondary Education for All — the extension of secondary schooling ( although , less precisely , not all of it of the grammar-school variety ) to the whole of the population .
16 Yet , as we shall see , this has been by far the most prevalent trend in terms of legislation , at least since the start of the 1970s .
17 Moreover , at least since the nineteenth century there has been a spillover into the State schools of the ethos of the independent boarding schools , the purpose of which was understood to be as much moral as academic , with character-training high on the agenda .
18 The heart of his argument is that Lab-our activists , at least since Ramsay MacDonald 's betrayal in 1931 , have distrusted their leaders , and he quotes Sidney Webb 's analysis of the problem this causes : ‘ The constituency parties are frequently unrepresentative groups of nonentities dominated by fanatics , cranks and extremists .
19 At least since the early 1960s , the British countryside , from the Isle of Wight to the Scottish Highlands , has been host to what we Forteans call ABCs ( Alien Big Cats ) .
20 In the UK , theories openly based on natural law have exerted little influence , at least since the nineteenth century .
21 Post-war Britain found its own literary history , at least since mid-Victorian times , still unwritten .
22 For all this , primary products exported outside the Bloc have ( at least since 1974 ) been worth more in dollar terms than they have within it ; but given the way goods are priced within it , this may mean less than meets the eye .
23 A completely contrasting interpretation of history is represented by MacFarlane 's ( 1978 ) work on the origins of English individualism , where he argues that the structure of kinship which prioritizes the nuclear family and de-emphasizes other kin has been characteristic of England at least since the thirteenth century .
24 Heath was attempting to break with the politics of accommodation , the ‘ triangular system ’ of government/union/employer consultation which had been growing up at least since the war .
25 The father of these children are one or other of the mother 's first two husbands , the first of whom ( from whom she was divorced in 1976 ) has played no part in their lives at least since 1980 , and the second of whom committed suicide in 1984 .
26 The evidence suggests that a determined central government , generally backed by the courts , has ( at least since 1979 ) been able to impose its will in most central local battles .
27 Rose and Peters argue that there are three broad groups of actors who have traditionally been in favour of higher spending , at least since 1945 : the producers of public goods and services , including leading politicians ; the consumers of public spending , including voters and welfare recipients ; and the suppliers of public goods and services — public officials and professionals dependent upon the state for their income .
28 At least since the early 1970s successive governments have expressed concern about the decline of our inner cities , but no government has been prepared to devote the massive resources which are now required to overcome decades of neglect .
29 His reward came in July 1655 when Carvajal and his two sons were endenizened , thus making him the first English Jew , at least since the expulsion in 1290 .
30 It appears never to have remained sufficiently constant to enable benches more than a few kilometres wide to form , at least since the beginning of the Pleistocene period .
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