Example sentences of "[prep] common [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The mean follow up after common bile duct stenting is now 33 months , ranging from 24 to 42 months and is more than two years in all patients ( Table , Fig 3 ) .
2 THE FUTURE of the Maastricht Treaty on European Union has been thrown into serious doubt after Common Market foreign ministers clashed unexpectedly yesterday over the controversial protocol which explicitly blocks Irish women 's EC right to seek abortion overseas .
3 For the first time , representatives from ecumenical , Roman Catholic , mainline Protestant and Evangelical associations will sit down together to share their concerns and visions and to work towards common understanding and joint action for the future .
4 He said that ‘ there is no essential difference between the language of prose and that of metrical composition ’ , and declared that poetry should be concerned ‘ with incidents of common life ’ .
5 For the effect of closure in terms of intergenerational movement is to provide for the reproduction of common life experiences over the generations . ’
6 Here too lies our hope ; since the time can not be far distant when the poet … will invade this vast new territory and so once more bring sanctification and joy into the sphere of common life .
7 the time can not be far distant when the poet … will invade this vast new territory , and so once more bring sanctification into the sphere of common life .
8 He wondered , in his Inverness passage , whether it was ‘ peculiar to the Scots to have attained the liberal , without the manual arts , to have excelled in ornamental knowledge , and to have wanted not only the elegancies , but the conveniences of common life ’ .
9 Understandably , the behaviour of various words and their overlaps will vary according to the dictionary used — the current project has used the Collins English Dictionary ( CED ) , the Oxford Advanced Learner 's Dictionary of Common English ( OALD ) , and Longman 's Dictionary of Contemporary English ( LDOCE ) .
10 The establishment of common exchange visits focusing on mutual recognition of professional qualifications , and the academic and professional development of inter-European ‘ live projects ’ has highlighted massive potential job opportunities .
11 Where Darwin saw resemblances between embryos as evidence of common descent , Haeckel assumed that ‘ lower ’ forms can be equated with earlier stages in the individual development of more advanced species .
12 Ethnic groups were defined in terms of common descent and of common institutions .
13 On the other hand , the enormous power of charismatic patriarchal leaders combined with the assertion of common ancestry or blood are quite explicit parts of such politics .
14 Behind all of this lies the sportsman 's desire to avoid entering the world of common man , a world in which he clocks in and out and collects his wage packet , a world that seems grey , though he has never known it , a world in which he is not stretched , a world that does not bring such pain or pleasure .
15 A mass of common knowledge .
16 The need for a common base is presented and Leighninger highlights in particular two recent models of integration , the skills generalist with a common repertoire of concepts , skills , tasks , and activities , and the knowledge generalist with a cohesive core of common knowledge .
17 In short , we may recognise three sources for the similarities in bylaws of common field farming in the East Midlands : first , a pattern of intermingled parcels of land involving all classes of tenants and lords ; second , some commonly accepted principles governing social life , which may fairly be regarded as the necessary outcome of the first proposition ; third , a similar physical environment which influenced the choice of farming objectives ; and last , similar economic pressures arising from the basic human need for food , and developing along similar lines , as the market in agricultural produce expanded and communities were driven to pursue change in the same general direction .
18 Again and again in his wartime lectures , he stressed the need in poetry for a " common style " , a " common language of the people " , " the attempt to reflect " the changing language of common intercourse " .
19 Acidification of the oesophagus in the presence of distention had no effect on triggering of transient UOS relaxations as seen by the proportions of common caviety episodes with and without acidification that were associatedwith transient UOS relaxations .
20 One small island , Koh Terutau , off Thailand , has at least nine endemic subspecies of squirrels , five of common tree shrews and three of lesser mouse deer .
21 And these conventions are not of common currency throughout a speech community .
22 Further , the rules of Equity , though they did not contradict the rules of Common Law , in effect and in practice produced a result opposed to that which would have been produced if the Common Law rules had remained alone .
23 Though since the judicature Act came into force in 1875 the rules of Common Law and Equity are recognized and administered in the same court , yet they still remain distinct bodies of law , governed largely by different principles .
24 In order to ascertain the rights to which any given set of facts give rise , we must always ask what is the rule of Common Law ? what difference ( if any ) is made in the working of this rule by the existence of some rule of Equity applying to the case ?
25 He can not reverse the rule of Common Law ; he can not interfere — at least directly — with proceedings in the Common Law Court ; he can not say that the legal owner is not the legal owner .
26 Finally , the judicature Acts in 1873–5 abolish the old Court of Chancery , as they abolish the Common Law Courts and certain other courts , and establish a new court — the High Court of justice — which has all the powers of a Court of Common Law and a Court of Equity , and in which both sets of rules , the rules of Law and the rules of Equity , are administered ; but in which , if there is ‘ conflict or variance ’ between them , the rules of Equity are to prevail .
27 The distribution of work between the divisions of that court is only a matter of convenience ; the Queen 's Bench Division can never say ‘ here a matter of Equity is involved ; we can not decide it ’ , or the Chancery Division ‘ this is a question of Common Law ; you ought to have gone to a Common Law Court ’ .
28 Yet signs are not wanting that the mental effort of doing so is one which will become more and more difficult as the memory of the distinct courts of Law and Equity dies out ; and perhaps already the unified jurisdiction of the High Court , and the statutes which have codified certain branches of Common Law and Equity , have produced some results which could hardly have been given by any combination of proceedings in the separate courts , or by the development of the law solely by means of cases decided in them .
29 The right to registered trade marks grew out of the rules of common law and equity , under which a trader who passed off his goods upon the public as those of another was held liable to damages and an injunction at the suit of the latter .
30 Mr Hughes , a keen fisherman , said : ‘ I think it 's an important case , an absolutely historical case because it 's reactivated the power of common law in this terrific issue of water quality in rivers . ’
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