Example sentences of "[prep] time to get " in BNC.

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1 With a low-powered winch or tow car , the acceleration is far slower and there is plenty of time to get the glider nicely balanced on the wheel so that it leaves the ground with a safe margin of speed .
2 With a week to loaf around the town I had the luxury of time to get lost — not difficult in the souks , a vast hugger-mugger of alleys .
3 ‘ There is plenty of time to get on the bus . ’
4 ‘ You 'll have plenty of time to get your appetite back after the night , ’ said his wife .
5 First , they can be situated in any part of the UK , which makes access difficult and the length of time to get the information can be long .
6 It took a bit of time to get all the necessary planning permission , simply because none of the authorities involved had ever had to deal with anything like Sanipet before !
7 The fretting gives the neck a feel which resembles that of an acoustic guitar and would probably take some players a bit of time to get used to .
8 Remember to leave yourself plenty of time to get to the start and stay clam if there are delays .
9 ‘ But it takes a bit of time to get used to other players and the way of things .
10 As very small children , too , we had lots of time to get things done in the same pattern .
11 The second house finished at ten so that would give me plenty of time to get home before my parents .
12 This pretty island is only an hour away by ferry so you will have plenty of time to get a real feel for the island and begin to enjoy its special magic before it is time to leave .
13 If you will just wait it takes a bit of time to get back where you want .
14 She hoped a fortnight was enough : she knew it was supposed to take about that length of time to get over chicken-pox , but perhaps it was more serious for adults .
15 But you 'll have plenty of time to get to know him , sir .
16 " They 've had all night , and there 's been plenty of time to get anything really incriminating out of the way .
17 She had given herself a fair amount of time to get to Luke 's , and if she left the motorway at the next junction and did n't hang around she 'd be only a little late at the most .
18 Give me a bit of time to get settled .
19 Also , employers are constantly employing new staff so the return on selection has to be calculated over a longer period of time to get a true picture of the effects of selection methods .
20 Now let's say that urban wages , right are up here and that it 's going to take , it 's like this individual , this amount of time to get er a job at that , at that wage , let's say that 's the expected wage , of the urban area , okay .
21 With plenty of time to get ready , Sophie and Joanna were looking their best when they drove to Edward 's palatial house .
22 Well you ca n't win 'em all and there 's plenty of time to get it right .
23 Your son has suffered a terrible loss — six months is not a long period of time to get over such a trauma .
24 Oh that 's right plenty of time to get out
25 I 've planned me route , I 'm going down the M six , I need to come off at the spaghetti junction whatever it is , and I 'm going to check me clock and I 'm going allow plenty of time to get there .
26 That 'll mean that gives you plenty of time to get up and get moving
27 Technical staff from the Theatre 3 group from Newtownabbey won a race against time to get their set up for their presentation of a Tennessee Williams play ‘ Suddenly Last Summer . ’
28 He had to reach the President 's cabin with at least an hour of daylight in which to plan his defence and with time to get through to Caspar on the President 's radio .
29 Luckily we were still in time to get into the RADA auditions , which I did and got a letter from them saying ‘ not only are you rejected but we strongly advise you to think about another career ’ .
30 Are you sure you 'll be up in time to get there by nine o'clock ? ’
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