Example sentences of "[prep] a name " in BNC.

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1 Drink : Desire in search of a name : Do the French have the ‘ mot juste ’ to describe the desire for a reviving drink ?
2 Yet , although we had n't thought of a name , we 'd started to fancy doing a couple of gigs and , of course , you ca n't do gigs without a name .
3 For a start , we have to think of a name for our child .
4 As he walked back to Morton , he caught sight of a name painted on the side rail of the cart : Thos Simpkins .
5 ‘ For Heaven 's sake , what kind of a name is that ? ’
6 Famous engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel ’ I remember that : what kind of a name is that for a human bean , Kingdom ?
7 Place names change over the years , in some cases quite substantially , and Watkins warned against too easy an acceptance of a name at face value .
8 Had she seen a plastic brick floating , or did she have to think of a name for her wavy line and enclosed shape ?
9 Think of a name or phrase related to your theme .
10 The Man With Not Much of a Name , perhaps .
11 Applicants for registration of a company or a change of name are therefore advised , in their own interest — to avoid possible expense and inconvenience — to investigate the possibility that others may have trade marks rights in a name , or part of a name , they require before applying to the Registrar of Companies for its registration .
12 ‘ What kind of a name is Jesse ? ’
13 ‘ You think of a name . ’
14 But what kind of a name is that ?
15 You must have got wind of a name or two … ’
16 His Coal Porters band ( a terrible pun of a name , but one that will be remembered because of it ) are unashamedly traditional in a rock 'n' roll clubland sense .
17 Mikhail Holovich became Michael Holly , but the change of a name does not discard nationality .
18 If ministerial responsibility were more than the mere shadow of a name , the matter would be less important , but as it is , the Courts are the only defence of the liberty of the subject against departmental aggression .
19 We settled on a classic rock climb from the Etançons valley — the West-South-West Ridge of the Pic Nord des Cavales : a mouthful of a name to be sure and not a route well known outside the area , but Collomb assures of its worth :
20 It was said in the 1840S of a future President of the republic that he had the advantage of the ‘ magic and mystery of a name ’ .
21 leverosatory rotating to the left you find these this prefix appearing in front of a name if it 's the compound is optically active .
22 No one could see Old Town Street , at Plymouth , without beginning at once to speculate about the significance of a name like this : and in fact the name takes us back to the very beginnings , to the poverty-stricken little Saxon village of farmers and fishermen , well down behind the Hoe , out of which this great naval city has grown .
23 Then from out there where Slorne 's gaze had led him , from out of the dark moonlit sky , there came a distant calling of a name , a place , a power , and it was like a great presence he could only feel and not see , and it cast itself over him , and over his cage , and over the whole Zoo , and over more than that .
24 The choice of a name caused some division of opinion but it was agreed that the word ‘ youth ’ should be used , and as the Merseyside group had publicized ‘ youth hostels ’ , this stuck .
25 She was thinking of a name : Robin Culley .
26 A descriptive expression , it is argued , may help fix the reference of a name via some contingent characteristic of the object in question ( as is the case with " the author of Macbeth " ) , but it can not provide its " definition " .
27 There is no doubt , of course , that when a given symbol ( irrespective of its " descriptive content " ) is accorded the status of a name , it acquires the privileged position of a representative of the biographical identity of the object it names , and by virtue of this very fact it can no longer be equated with any description , or series of descriptions .
28 The function of a name is to designate the common target of such descriptions .
29 What the fuck kind of a name is that ? ’
30 Interesting , though — the indestructibility of a name . ’
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