Example sentences of "[prep] the controversy " in BNC.

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1 Maybe time does give it some perspective , he agrees , but he is determined to take the blame for the controversy it provoked .
2 A significant focus for the controversy was the theatre , which , like the transvestite , was seen both to epitomize and to promote contemporary forces of disruption in and through its involvement with cross-dressing .
3 This was followed in the next issue by an examination of the reasons for the controversy , which could include personal vanity .
4 Indeed , the fundamental reason for the controversy is that the Draft Directives do not actually impose identical conduct of business rules .
5 As for the controversy , he says : ‘ They are certainly less shocking than the Schnittke cadenzas for the Beethoven Violin Concerto .
6 The occasion for the controversy was the foundation of a central agency to produce goods for sale by Co-operative stores ; and it was to the workers in the agency 's factories that the question related .
7 One reason for the controversy surrounding the association between sarcoidosis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the absence of acid fast organisms on routine Ziehl-Neelsen staining of sarcoid tissues .
8 Using both national data and more detailed information on the operation of the Scheme in particular local areas , the study seeks to assess the costs and benefits of the Scheme in relation to the claims made by its advocates and critics during the controversy surrounding its introduction .
9 What we do not know is who came to power in Northumbria during Ceolwulf 's temporary deposition nor whether there was any connection between the controversies surrounding Wilfrid and those now involving Acca .
10 Even a funeral sermon , The Failing and Perishing of Good Men ( 1663 ) , was apologetic about the controversies which had dogged his erratic career .
11 I have written before about the controversy raised in Scotland over the National Trust for Scotland 's mountain properties and breaking the ‘ rules ’ set by its mountaineering benefactor Percy Unna , who wanted the hills kept natural .
12 You could see him wanting to talk about the controversy over the redevelopment of Wimbledon town centre ( Greycoat versus Speyhawk , or Caring Architects versus Greedy planners ) .
13 They were to go on trial on January 5 charged with lying to Congress about the controversy .
14 But there is a peculiar Irishness about the controversy which has come with this ; the focus of attention has been a sideshow — an interesting sideshow , but a sideshow nonetheless .
15 Last night , Bashir Maan , chairman of Strathclyde Community Relations Council , said he was not prepared to comment in detail about the controversy until Mr McNeill had his opportunity to put his case .
16 Middlesbrough 2 Bristol Rovers 1 MIDDLESBROUGH manager Lennie Lawrence shrugged off the controversy surrounding Paul Wilkinson 's first goal to salute a player who has battled through a 58-match marathon .
17 The Aston Villa centre half , now settled comfortably back in the Irish fold after the controversy of his failure to appear for the game in Albania three weeks ago , is a major figure in Charlton 's plans .
18 Paula Milne 's novel , on which the play was subsequently based , was written in the wake of the controversies surrounding the Leonard Arthur case and the case of Alexandra , the Down 's child granted an operation by Hammersmith Council against the wishes of her parents .
19 Most of these options have been taken up in the days of the controversies over Christology .
20 He quotes Occam 's razor but never dreams of applying it to most of the controversies he refers to , and , ironically over macroevolution , thinks that some of the recent speculations ‘ must inhibit the penchant for ‘ story-telling ’ and the glib explanation ’ , of the neo-Darwinists .
21 Many of the controversies about the new institutions which serve these purposes can be seen , on analysis , to be arguments about different forms of patronage — encouragement or intervention within and beyond the market — but also , and crucially , about distinctions between the social relations of patronage ( where the public body is held merely to have replaced the court or the household or the individual patron ) and the alternative social relations of a now publicly instituted art .
22 As we shall see , many of the controversies and conflicts which permeate contemporary rural life either stem from this fundamental change in the social composition of most villages or are exacerbated by it ; but it is also important to remember that this transformation has been provoked by preceding changes in the economic and social organization of agriculture .
23 This emphasis on economic theory is important , since many of the controversies concerning economic policy arise from disagreements about the appropriate model of the economy .
24 This was in the study of pragmatics , a fast-growing and popular new area of research in linguistics , which came out of the controversies about meaning which had dominated linguistics around 1970 .
25 In the light of all that , ladies and gentlemen , the choice of a speaker for the Charles Darwin centenary was not difficult , and indeed I know that he welcomed the opportunity to give this lecture , not least I 'm sure because of the controversies and the general noise that have erupted once again over the issues of evolution , both in the academies of the civilized western world , and even in deepest Arkensaw
26 One must remember that it was specifically this issue of clerical power over schools which was the nub of the controversy in the 1900–14 period .
27 In this matter of the nature of the gens ( descent group ) further research has actually proved both sides of the controversy right .
28 Only Southwest Airlines , sitting squarely in the middle of the controversy , takes no side .
29 I went to Croke Park and I had not the slightest interest in Protestantism but I did come from a Fermanagh family where you did live cheek by jowl with republicanism so I had imbibed it undoubtedly and it resurfaced , the inherited knowledge of the heart of the controversy in Ulster .
30 Again , when the Irishman Scotus Eriugena , one of the two finest minds of the ninth century ( the other was Gottschalk , close student of Augustine 's works and initiator of the controversy on predestination ) , translated from Greek into Latin the Heavenly Hierarchy of Pseudo-Denis ( c .860 ) , he might at first sight have been engaged in something purely academic .
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