Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] levels " in BNC.

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1 However , a review which was triggered by a crisis of confidence over NHS funding ended by saying nothing about funding levels at all and leaving the method of funding through general taxation unchanged ( apart from the ideological blip of allowing tax relief on private health insurance for the over 65s ) .
2 These results led the authors to assume that patients were unwilling to complain about noise levels .
3 In the last fifteen years , the number of complaints about noise levels in Oxford , has risen from 200 to just under 2,000 .
4 I got virtually equal marks across arts and sciences for O levels , so making a choice at A level was difficult , but I felt a bit swayed by the fact that people said it 's best to do science subjects as far as jobs and university places go ; it 's difficult to get on to arts courses , but it 's easier to get on to science courses … that 's really why I chose science , ultimately .
5 They have a working knowledge of contract law and other legal areas which affect musicians , such as noise levels and music licences , so that they can give advice on anything and everything that affects musicians .
6 The advantage of this method is that it is a multivariate technique which allows an analysis of the relationship between unemployment and imprisonment to be examined after controlling for other factors such as crime levels , numbers of convictions , and age structure of the population , which might affect the rate of incarceration .
7 You are right to be concerned about protein levels , but without a very thorough understanding of canine nutritional science , you will end up tying yourself in knots .
8 These figures provide political ammunition to chief police officers arguing for more resources , although this is clearly a double-edged sword since the figures could be interpreted as showing the police being unable to do much about crime levels .
9 Flame control : good — a large control knob ‘ clicks ’ positively through flame levels from full blast to low summer .
10 Environmentalists reckon Government limits for exhaust levels are too low .
11 Paper which has dark ruled lines alternating with a light pencil line to act as a guide for mid-letter levels may also be employed .
12 Both effects are more important for valence levels than for core levels , because the separations between levels are much smaller .
13 These issues include : whether the continued decentralisation of population from Greater London improves or worsens the job prospects for those remaining there ; the effectiveness of new job creation in off-setting employment lost through redundancies ; the relationship between skill levels and unemployment in inner London ; housing policy influences on labour mobility ; and the effect of outward movement on women 's employment prospects .
14 What did that do for skill levels ?
15 Parents may also look at factors such as equipment levels , the state of decor and the perceived standard of discipline , and so on , as well as the attitude of staff , in forming such judgements .
16 The condensation of points from forbidden parts of k -space leads ideally to perfectly sharp energy states , known as Landau levels ( see Box ) with no allowed states between them .
17 Because of the limits on income support payments there is increasing evidence of a shortfall between benefit levels and home fees , with resulting pressure on individual residents and their families to make up the deficit .
18 It requires little research to do so , largely because West German specialists and journalists rushed across the frontier and came back gasping out tales of air pollution four times worse than West Germany 's , of mercury levels in the Elbe that were 250 times EC limits , of forests where 40 per cent of the trees are sick .
19 She had joined the Met with three A levels and a huge number of O levels as an eighteen-year-old , then worked her way over into the CID , and was now a Detective Sergeant and ready to move up , having passed the exams for Inspector .
20 Now , nowadays a good training hospital will , will want at least er a number of O levels and preferably two or even three A levels before they would accept a student .
21 Fig. 6.4 Comparison of noise levels ( from Bentley et al 1977 British Medical Journal 2 : 1503–1506 .
22 Shafir made a detailed study of comprehension levels by the supposedly literate .
23 The balanced tree index shown in Fig. 7.3(a) is made up of a series of index levels , each pointing to the level below it .
24 The number of index levels here is the same as in Fig. 7.3(a) — that is , the height is again 4 — but there is much more room for additions .
25 A prudent diet with long-term follow-up of cholesterol levels , follow-up of blood pressure levels and appropriate treatment of hypertension all contribute to longevity .
26 Divisibility — the range of income levels in diverse marketplaces means that the divisibility of a product ( so that trial purchase may be made easily ) will be very influential
27 what is required in Latin America is a policy that will stimulate food production for the domestic market and the raising of income levels of the rural poor .
28 Problems have also arisen where there are sharp social or political rifts in the community , and where a school catchment area includes a wide disparity of income levels .
29 This consumption relationship in its simplest form is often expressed as : where a is some constant consumption irrespective of income levels , and b is some fraction of additional income ( known as the marginal propensity to consume ) which would be less than 1 but greater than zero for the community as a whole .
30 This is in direct contrast to the European studies where there are much greater variations within the elderly population in terms of income levels .
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