Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] someone " in BNC.

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1 The question of whether someone has suffered special damage or not depends on the facts of the particular case , and so is very much in the discretion of the court .
2 It is easy to keep quiet — who wants to be thought of as someone with dirty habits or as a woman-hater ?
3 How about if someone said something ?
4 The abbreviation as it travelled around the dot board , sounded as if someone were reading a map accordion-folded between Africa and India .
5 The X-ray showed clean breaks on both sides of my ankle , as if someone had miraculously scythed the pieces of bone off with a knife .
6 I hate talking about it because I hate making it sound as if someone is to blame but I just ca n't stand people who manipulate other people .
7 It looked as if someone had left in a hurry .
8 The bust of Unamuno is still there , and again it looks as if someone has attempted to defile it , perhaps in some would-be funny student jape .
9 The empty tin cash-box lay gaping open in one corner , twisted and crumpled as if someone had stamped on it repeatedly .
10 Marie felt her legs give way beneath her , she sat down on the edge of the pavement , feet in the gutter , doubled-up , sick and winded as if someone had punched her in the stomach .
11 as if someone like me should have sat there quietly like a mouse , demure and repressed !
12 The world got clearer , as if someone were twiddling the focus of her retinae .
13 Her travelling companions had quietened , as if someone in authority had arrived .
14 Looked as if someone had pulled out the HT lead , actually . ’
15 Always try to make it look as if someone is in the house — leave a light on or a radio playing .
16 From the air it looks exactly as if someone had poured a couple of bucketsful of molten glass on to the surface , forming a puddle which slowly oozed away .
17 As the girl played the woman dilated her nostrils and rose slightly off the piano stool , as if someone was drawing her up by an invisible wire attached to the crown of her head .
18 Although this bed is neatly made in the evenings , it is found disturbed again every morning , as if someone sleeps in it each night .
19 He said it straight at the senior officer , who looked for a moment as if someone had cracked a whip in his face .
20 There was a pop as if someone had exploded a huge paper bag , a disappearing electric sizzle , and the searchlight went out .
21 The room seemed to have gone dark , as if someone had turned off the lights , and she wondered if she might be going to faint .
22 It was almost as if someone were keeping her away from trouble .
23 Ibn Fayoud half closed his eyes as if someone had turned a knife in his guts .
24 It was as if someone had been trapped inside and had kicked and beaten the door — perhaps without success — until the power had gone and they had been able to drive back down the hill .
25 There was a scuffling sound then a thump , as if someone had fallen .
26 Then he remembered a woman he 'd met once on a train , she was singing hymns to the window , he 'd been embarrassed at first , half her fringe was missing as if someone had taken a bite out of it , only he knew she 'd done it because she caught him staring and laughed and said , ‘ I always cut it when I 'm loaded , ’ and he remembered something about a house , and because there was nothing left to cling to , because it was the only piece of wreckage left afloat , he remembered how to get there too , it was either remember or die .
27 Donald stood just behind him , that place where you ca n't see someone unless you actually turn round , that place where it feels as if someone 's going to sink a pickaxe into the soft part of your skull , Donald stood behind him and took a deep breath , as if he was about to dive under a wave , and said , ‘ Those are my beans . ’
28 A low range of hills lifted in the north , yellow , rumpled , threadbare , as if someone had been carrying a lionskin and had grown tired of it and had thrown it down .
29 The road dipping down into town and the bar with its brown tin roof and its dusty verandah , and a woman running out into the street , hair horizontal in the air behind her , strings of wooden beads swinging in a loop around her neck like a cow 's jaw chewing , her mouth wide open , a wedge hewn out of her face , as if someone had taken an axe to her , as if her mouth was a wound and her screaming the bleeding .
30 It was as if someone had suddenly turned off the sound .
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