Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] nothing " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , we could postulate some alien being capable of seeing nothing at all in the range of wavelengths we call ‘ light ’ but able to see a whole range of colours in the ultraviolet or infrared .
2 She was kicking herself for forgetting the most basic Capricorn trait of allowing nothing to stand in the way of their goal .
3 ‘ Will you stop this pathetic charade of pretending nothing 's the matter ?
4 It was indeed Darwin 's wife , Emma , herself a scientist , who pointed out the real danger in the use of scientific method when she asked him : " May not the habit in scientific pursuits of believing nothing till it is proved , influence your mind too much in other things which can not be proved in the same way ? and which if true are likely to be above our comprehension ? "
5 He was capable of wanting nothing all day , of sending every meal away and not allowing Teresa in , even to make up his fire or turn down his bed , and then , around midnight , calling for his breakfast and complaining he was cold because the fire had gone out .
6 This incident , despite having nothing to do with the operation of tribunals led to the establishment in 1955 of the Committee on Administrative Tribunals and Enquiries under the chairmanship of Sir Oliver Franks ( as he then was ) .
7 Stimuli A and B were a tone and a light ; X was the verbal response of saying ‘ now ’ when one or the other was turned on , and Y that of saying nothing .
8 In every case , he wrote , if we had done something instead of doing nothing the consequences would have been equally disastrous .
9 Make a point of doing nothing .
10 The naturalness of doing nothing .
11 The unnaturalness of making a point of doing nothing .
12 Lancaster Gate awoke on Monday to find itself accused of doing nothing almost before it had had time to consider doing anything .
13 Mr David Howell ( C. Guildford ) , the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee , who opened the debate , said it had been a choice between the lesser evil of repatriation and the greater evil of doing nothing , which might inflict more cruelty , suffering and inhumane conditions on the people in the camps .
14 However , there was always the option of doing nothing … just relaxing in the shade around the attractive pool and within easy reach of a cool drink .
15 However , it was also unable to run away from the peace process since the dangers of doing nothing were even greater .
16 Below The luxury of doing nothing : passengers lounge on deck in the 1920s .
17 If we analyse the street-comer activity of doing nothing in groups in the light of always hoping that something will happen , then the creation and the putting into effect of ‘ ideas ’ by the group can be seen as one of the most significant group experiences .
18 Second is that by ordering ahead of conventionally-defined need , the CEGB is comparing the economics of investing in Sizewell with the economics of doing nothing , that is maintaining old plant .
19 R 4 =RRRR is the same as the identity operation , I , of doing nothing .
20 of doing nothing .
21 ‘ It 's not a question of doing nothing but of dividing your time , ’ she said .
22 These risks may well be outweighed by the risks of doing nothing for Russia , which is why the G7 has pushed the Fund to do more .
23 It would not be fair to accuse the authorities of doing nothing .
24 Not another two years , I think that was the first of January ninety five , it 's actually one year , and it 's not a question of doing nothing about it .
25 The Mill has been renovated after 12 years of doing nothing .
26 But she could not stand the thought of doing nothing for two months .
27 It would be wrong to accuse the Government and its agencies of doing nothing .
28 Rank 's policy of having nothing to do with television prevented Balcon from becoming involved in any of the bids to secure a commercial television franchise in 1955 , and ensured that the film industry had no stake in the new medium .
29 For skinheads are playing with the only power at their disposal — the power of having nothing ( much ) to lose .
30 ’ Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank and of having nothing to do ; once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading , but it had no pictures or conversations in it' and what is the use of a book' thought Alice , 'without pictures or conversation ? ' . ’
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