Example sentences of "[noun sg] to learn that " in BNC.

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1 He took them to Mahala Andrews , an expert in fossil fishes at the Chambers Street Museum to learn that these were specimens no-one had ever seen before and they included a species of fresh water shark .
2 Of course a certain amount of caution is necessary , for how else is the child to learn that he should not put his hand in the fire or stick his finger into an electric socket ?
3 ‘ It is all-important for their future health and their capacity to learn that children adopt balanced eating habits .
4 WE often read of uncaring stars so it was a joy to learn that Sophia Loren had bailed out her favourite waiter after he was sacked for taking time off to care for his sick wife .
5 For those who find Sue 's perfect BBC voice refined and soothing , it is a shock to learn that she ironed out her Black Country accent while studying modern languages at Bristol University .
6 It was quite a shock to learn that the Elsie found at the bottom of Loch Craig was not a twenty-six-year-old woman but a woman in her late fifties or early sixties .
7 When set within an historical perspective , it comes as something of a shock to learn that primary education as we perceive it ( with children and teachers housed in buildings built or adapted to ‘ meet the needs of the children themselves , ) is a recent phenomenon .
8 It is fairly easy for a library user to learn that a subject whose symbol is 623.4 will be found " in the 600s " , and some-where in between 623 and 624 ; and untrained assistants can after a little guidance cope with the shelving and filing problems .
9 The objective defined in 1858 was to enable ‘ persons requiring medical aid … to distinguish qualified from unqualified practitioners ’ and we need only read some early issues of the Lancet to learn that the medical register was regarded at the time as a list of doctors who set themselves higher standards than the multitude of quacks who then preyed on the sick .
10 It had been a blow to learn that he had gone away to spend Christmas with ‘ friends in the country ’ , and she imagined him surrounded by fascinating girls all more attractive than herself .
11 Newfoundlanders were mortified on the very day of their 40th anniversary to learn that Ottawa had agreed that France could fish an extra 11000 tonnes of cod from these east coast waters .
12 Its functioning , including leap years , is so familiar that it sometimes comes as a revelation to researchers into early English local history to learn that there were several calendars in use in the past , each somewhat different from the other , with quite distinct ways of referring to months and days , and with days whose hours varied in length according to the season of the year .
13 After this it comes as little surprise to learn that ‘ the earth was corrupt in God 's sight , and the earth was filled with violence ’ ( Gen. 6.11 ) .
14 So it was no surprise to learn that the inhabitants of an area next o low-status Levittown sued the U.S. Post Office to change their address to ‘ North Wantagh ’ .
15 The palazzo looks so much like a 1950s cinema ( or is it a small-town railway station ? ) , with its curves and ornate super-structure , that it comes as a surprise to learn that it is seventeenth-century .
16 It comes as no surprise to learn that he was trained in Vienna in the Maulbertsch workshop .
17 It will , however , be no surprise to learn that the Government is protected against that risk .
18 It is no surprise to learn that this village got its name from the local industries of smelting silver and iron .
19 It comes as no surprise to learn that it took director Peter Greenaway a very long time to find a film company that would consider his script for more than 30 seconds .
20 It is certainly no surprise to learn that it is not a cure for all cancers .
21 Real travellers will have discovered that most taxi drivers have only a cursory grasp of English so it may come as a surprise to learn that foreign cabbies ‘ drive at breakneck speed ’ while talking eloquently of ‘ local proverbs and giving handy hints about what to buy in the local market . ’
22 It will come as no surprise to learn that the most expensive rages are in South-East England , where the highest are almost twice those of the cheapest in Wales .
23 Having made the point that blacks identify with each other ‘ automatically ’ , it is no surprise to learn that , when it comes to organizing aspirations for the future , blacks set their sights on blacks who have made it to , or near to , the top of their chosen occupation .
24 To anyone familiar with the conventions of the second-person singular in modern European languages it is no surprise to learn that Shakespeare preserves the distinction You/Thou primarily to express the relationship far/near , as when a parent addresses a child ( or a master a servant ) as Thou and receives You in reply .
25 It might come as something of a surprise to learn that he is now considered to be an Englishman .
26 It is no surprise to learn that an art dealer has closed down .
27 It will come as no surprise to learn that colleges have serious concerns about the current problems — ‘ overspent , ’ ‘ underfunded ’ hospitals indicating a flaw in either the underlying principles of health care or their implementation .
28 Looking at the relaxed poses in our photographs , it will come as no surprise to learn that Clarissa modelled for a few years back in the 60s .
29 It need not come as a surprise to learn that Wittgenstein is in his own way a foundationalist .
30 So it comes as no surprise to learn that the new film by veteran director Robert Altman — The Player — has been the most talked about movie in studio parking lots and Beverly Hills brasseries this year .
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