Example sentences of "[noun sg] across to " in BNC.

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1 Whereas I lie there in the night with an expired passport , pushing a baggage trolley with a squeaking wheel across to the wrong carousel .
2 Sir George obligingly moved the light across to the desk , restoring the little faces to the dark in which they had lain .
3 They waited while Crane trotted his horse across to the Tower .
4 He pushed his drawing across to Hayman .
5 The two equatorial currents , interleaved by the equatorial counter-current , take waters from the American coast across to New Guinea and Mindanao : then one heads north , taking warm water to the Japanese coast as the Kuro Shio .
6 Mr Antonis is having a hard time getting his message of openness across to all the citizens of Antwerp .
7 She looked from the photograph across to McKillop and he sensed that there was a hint of disapproval in her glance .
8 Jane carried the tray across to the police officers with what looked to the sergeant like absurd concentration and Dexter wondered uncharitably whether she had already been drinking .
9 ( 2 ) Pull the club across to the left with your left arm ensuring that your arms are extended .
10 By now the Arab with my coat would be in Malaga waiting for the boat across to Africa .
11 Possibly this made you uneasy , or possibly , with the storm blowing up , you did not want to take your boat across to the mainland again , so you decided to let things alone , and not risk taking any stolen goods on board .
12 Now , with gentle pressure , move the lace carriage across to the right , push the knitting until it rests on the left of the main carriage .
13 Select the next set of needles with the selector lever and take the lace carriage across to the left .
14 Place the transfer carriage on the left hand side and , firmly pushing down , slide the carriage across to the right hand side .
15 For the third row slide the lace carriage to the right , select the needles then move the lace carriage across to the left , transferring the stitches .
16 A railtour from Sheffield to the Cromford & High Peak paused here in 1964 to attach prototype electric loco 26000 ‘ Tommy ’ to B1 61158 for the run across to Manchester .
17 Woodward slid the folder across to Duncan .
18 Keith tossed the article across to her .
19 Sometimes I understood a few words or phrases ( ‘ Japaner nicht gut ’ , ‘ Demokratie ’ ) but on the whole it was a hopeless conversation just because he so badly wanted to get his meaning across to me .
20 Before he could reply , Lars called for attention and he followed Ace and Kosi across to Christine 's recumbent body .
21 Agnes began to cry , quietly at first , then it mounted into sobs , then almost into hysteria and in it she gabbled out incoherently to the three gaping sisters what had transpired from the time she had taken the linen across to the house .
22 This is just the , approach we have taken here and the terrace , contained by courses of brick leads the eye across to the seat , facing due south to catch the sun .
23 Most importantly , Barnes decided to take the inquiry across to the other side of the Bristol Channel .
24 He pushed the file across to him .
25 But , in the mid '90s when Mercedes reviews its transmissions ( in service since 1979 ) , we might see a complete move across to five-speed automatics .
26 The Scottish Teacher Training Course , 1977–1983 was run by Rata Quick , whose notable memories include Scottish hospitality , her first taste of malt whisky , the view from Inverclyde across to the snow covered by skyline of Arran , worn Georgian stone stairs ( 80 to the top flat ) , friends founds and kept right up to the present day , and years of wonderful companionship in shared enjoyment of music and movement the Medau way .
27 ‘ But if Fabia comes with me we could travel by car , take the ferry across to Belgium and belt through Germany and … ’
28 Vigilant therefore rammed in alongside the suspect and Bristol ID officer John Cuthbert , assisted by Stephen Pullar and Harry Hampton of Vigilant , made a perilous jump across to the smuggling vessel .
29 I know one fellow called Ashworth , he were bit of a coal merchant , I remember him shouting one day across to somebody , ‘ I backed a winner . ’
30 ‘ We took a crew across to Belgium plus all our light equipment and bedding for up to 97 people . ’
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