Example sentences of "[noun sg] telling [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 We are very unlikely to come across a headline telling us that a member of the Anglican Church has killed himself ( unless , perhaps , it is a vicar ) — in fact , the Anglican 's religious affiliation is one of the last things likely to be mentioned in a report .
2 From Janet 's Foss my way led across the road and through a gate where the Dales Park have placed a plaque telling me that this is Gordale Scar and to keep to the path .
3 If you want to transfer up to 4 players , just send me an E-mail telling me which ones you wish to sell & buy .
4 His hair was almost black , heavy and smoothly groomed , swept back from a face that was icily cold , only the long , humorous-looking mouth telling her that this hostility was solely for her benefit and not some natural mannerism .
5 I tried to marry this judgment with the memory of the sturdy young woman I 'd seen joking in the glade ; who had come breezily into The Pightle telling me to water the plants and daring me to a duel of wits with Edward ; who had seemed so certain of me over against his cautious vacillation. fragile was not the first word that would have occurred to me , unless I had overlooked something vital — something which , I remembered , Bob had noted .
6 They shouted from their car telling him to cycle properly .
7 Ironically , the day began for the prince and princess in the grand Presidential Palace in the Korean capital Seoul , with President Roh through a translator telling them : ‘ You are a very beautiful couple . ’
8 On 1 November 1990 , Norwich Union wrote to the applicant telling him the effect of the intervention notice , and saying :
9 Lagerfeld sent sketches off and six months later he got a telegram telling him that he had won the first prize in the group for coats .
10 Perhaps somewhere in the back of Edward Crumwallis 's brain there ran a murmur telling him that Dr Frome had every right to be .
11 As Theresa says , we usually try and censor them , try and say no , you know , leave that out , erm , it 's as if you had a kind of er censor sitting in your mind telling me , er telling you telling you er er , but it works with me too , erm what you can and can not say .
12 Agnes said the words to herself , her mind telling her that this was the end of June and her sister must have been carrying this dreadful secret since … when ?
13 With her conscious mind telling her what to say and do , her emotions rebelled and she heard herself say something quite contradictory to its orders :
14 I got Idan on this tape telling me he loves me .
15 Instead , he had a blue card telling him to be at the hospital for his first appointment with a National Health psychotherapist , a photograph of a fair-haired woman with green eyes , a driving licence , a library ticket , a yellowed old newspaper cutting about a forgotten murder , and a much fresher , more succinct bit of print torn from last Sunday 's newspaper .
16 One of my former patients , whose ex-husband had spent their entire marriage telling her that she was ‘ stupid ’ or ‘ brainless ’ , told me that , although she knew perfectly well that this was not true , by the time she had heard it said every day for the twelve years they had been together she had begun to believe that there must be something in it .
17 I mean , what 's she supposed to do if it goes off — waddle round the village telling us all to duck ?
18 It is programmed with a flight plan telling it how to get from a nearby ‘ way-point ’ to its target , and with a set of pictures of how the terrain it will pass over should look to its radar altimeter .
19 As the week went on I got more and more anguished telegrams from home telling me to conclude the deal and come home .
20 Occasionally children require some additional recognition that they are behaving well apart from their parent telling them that they are good .
21 What is this exercise telling us ?
22 I admit that I have been known to curse on occasion and I often talk to my machine telling it ‘ You will not beat me so you 'd better start behaving ! ’
23 ‘ We are fed up with a distant bureaucracy telling us what to do with our bikes .
24 How long will it take you to work out what the signals mean without the child telling you ?
25 ‘ Dick had no business telling you that , ’ Gedanken said crossly .
26 So there 's my grandma telling me the difference between a girl and a boy .
27 But the other echo which really gripped me was his reference to some of the Imperial flights down the Gulf that were not as straightforward and as simple as they are today , I speak now of when I was awakened from my afternoon siesta by someone from the guardroom telling me to get down to flights as quickly as possible and have my overnight gear with me .
28 I woke up a few times and got Mum out of bed all bleary-eyed and irritable in her nightie telling her a bogey-man was after me .
29 Even the thought of lunch at Osborne House again tomorrow did n't seem too bad an idea , even if it did mean listening to Mama telling him how she heard nightingales in the garden at Pierremont House and how she walked all the way to Pegwell when she was twelve and ate shrimp paste at the Bellevue Tavern .
30 Instead , we had the bizarre suggestion that prison order was likely to be more easily maintained if , on entering a prison , prisoners were given a little package telling them the consequences of their actions if they stepped out of line .
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