Example sentences of "[noun sg] appointed [art] " in BNC.

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1 While Ramsey was a canon the chapter appointed a new vicar ; and while Ramsey 's predecessor was bishop , a minority of the parishioners started to protest against the vicar 's innovations and were in a strong position because the vicar introduced certain ornaments without the necessary faculty to do so .
2 Mahathir appointed a new Cabinet in late October 1990 following the general election [ see p. 37861 ] .
3 The Secretaries of State for the Environment and for Trade and Industry appointed the Advisory Committee on Business and the Environment in May .
4 This was to come to light two years later when the Football Association appointed a commission to inquire into allegations that Sir Henry had offered financial inducements above the legal fees to attract players to Highbury and that he had diverted club funds to his private account .
5 In Chancery the Lord Chancellor appointed the Master in Chancery and the twenty-four cursitors ; the Master of the Rolls appointed the Six Clerks , the examiners , the clerks of the petty bag , and various minor officials ; the monarch was left with the Registers , whom he ‘ captured ’ in 1549 , the sealer and chafe-wax , and various newly established clerkships .
6 His harsh rule led to rebellion in the settlement and the King and Queen appointed a new governor .
7 Each committee appointed a member who acted as a ‘ guardian ’ whose main responsibilities were to supervise the working of the indentures , to make monthly visits to the home , and to be ‘ on friendly terms ’ with parents and child .
8 Following the work of the Panel , the Social Affairs Committee appointed a consultant Professor Margot Jeffreys to define areas of research on the process of ageing with special emphasis on the mature adult worker in the age group 45 to 65 .
9 Before long , the diocese appointed a sub-warden , a Canadian priest with a splendid knowledge of the Old Testament , and a ‘ ’ young'' Anglo-Indian priest whose main study had been the New Testament .
10 Nottingham City Council appointed a lesbian and a gay man on a job-share to assist the implementation of their policy .
11 At that time , there was no sight of the other half of the picture , and until Orkney Islands Council appointed a temporary Press Officer , no regular statements were made .
12 Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council appointed a housing officer who , working with the local disability organisation , developed a comprehensive policy for meeting the housing needs of disabled people .
13 Realizing the serious implications of further disagreement , the ILP National Administrative Council appointed a sub-committee in February 1931 to consider the Party 's relationship with the Labour Party .
14 The Constitution was suspended in 1974 following a military coup [ see pp. 26486-97 ] , and the country was ruled by a Supreme Military Council under Seyni Kountché until his death in November 1987 , when the Supreme Military Council appointed the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces , Brig.
15 The Constitution was suspended in 1974 following a military coup [ see pp. 26496-97 ] , and the country was ruled by a Supreme Military Council under Lt.-Col. Seyni Kountché until his death in November 1987 , when the Military Council appointed the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces , Brig.
16 The Paris meeting appointed a committee of twelve from those present to make arrangements for a second international conference .
17 Mr. Christie presented several sets of rules for Flower Shows and the meeting appointed a committee of eight members to carry out the necessary arrangements .
18 The Governor General appointed an Advisory Council to act as an interim government until a general election was held in December 1984 , in which the New National Party ( NNP — an amalgam of three centrist parties ) , under the leadership of Herbert Blaize , won 14 of the 15 seats in the House of Representatives .
19 At a case status hearing on 17 August , the court appointed a public defender to represent him and then adjourned the proceedings until a further status hearing on 3 January 1991 , at which time a trial date would be set .
20 On the request of Defence Minister Patricio Rojas Saavedra , the Supreme Court appointed a special judge to investigate the case .
21 Despite a Senate vote on Dec. 2 formally to indict him , Collor had refused to resign and had persistently tried to delay impeachment proceedings , most recently by dismissing his two defence lawyers on Dec. 21 ( the day before the trial was due to begin ) to gain a week 's grace while the Supreme Court appointed a public defender .
22 The report endorsed the existing practice whereby the King appointed a further 10 members to each house .
23 In consequence , the Board of Education appointed a committee consisting largely of English Association members to investigate and report on the possibility of practical steps in this direction .
24 The health authority has been advocating adult education classes for discharged head injured patients , and community education appointed an experienced tutor to pilot a course .
25 In the past several months , after interviewing many of the same candidates , the Los Angeles County Museum of Art , the Cleveland Museum of Art , and the Phillips Collection each hired a new director , and the Corcoran Gallery of Art appointed a deputy director .
26 Even the Equal Opportunities Commission appointed a male chief executive in 1985 .
27 Altogether , during the years between 1941 and 1945 , the District appointed a total of nineteen women graduate tutors to provide courses and develop the activities of the District in Cambridgeshire , Essex , Hertfordshire , Norfolk , Northamptonshire and Suffolk .
28 In the event no university appointment was made during the war , but the District appointed an Organising Tutor , p .
29 Aung San 's demand for eleven seats out of fifteen was not conceded and at the end of the month the Governor appointed a Council of ten members , of whom only two were British .
30 Where in the authorities difficulty has arisen this has often been the result of the introduction of an issue whether the creditor appointed the debtor as its agent to obtain the signature of the surety to the charge upon which the creditor sought to rely .
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