Example sentences of "[noun sg] waiting [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I stay in my corner like a boxer waiting for the bell .
2 ‘ I 'll see your mum has a nice cup of tea waiting for you ’
3 When we got in there was no tea waiting for us .
4 Evan 's angry and embarrassed , Nic 's sullen beyond belief , there 's a rammed , expectant club waiting for them to play , and all they want to do is moan at their manager ( who also works for Nirvana ) back in the States .
5 ‘ Here 's a horse waiting for ye sir . ’
6 Spry , who has spent the duration of the interview waiting for his chicken and pineapple pizza to arrive , flicks through a copy of Vogue Collection .
7 Although at first sight the Bull-Leaping Fresco found in the cellars of the Labyrinth 's East Wing seems in its present reconstruction to show , on the left , a bull-leaper waiting to be hoisted into the air , the figure is in fact a bull-grappler and represents a group of two , three or four grapplers whose job it was to pad the horns , keep the bull 's head low and the rest of its body still during the leap .
8 There is room for a couple : one here behind the luggage ( hunched like a cosmonaut hurtling into the unknown ) and another there beneath the bottom bunk ( blankets burying a crouched figure waiting for rebirth ) .
9 Howard Baker ( that is his name ) is sitting in front of a green light waiting for a green light because he is thinking .
10 As they stood patiently in a doorway waiting for the column to pass , Catherine turned to say something to McLeish and he looked down at her for a long moment .
11 ‘ I 'll go and get you some wood , ’ Otley volunteered as he disappeared from view , leaving me with a duster in my hand and a country seat waiting to be polished .
12 Most of those who saw the General in the weeks after his resignation did not come away with the impression that he was on the edge of his seat waiting to be asked back .
13 Ultimately he believes that harmonisation of duty within the European Community must happen , but he is not sitting on the edge of his seat waiting for it : ‘ Politically we understand that uniform EC excise duty will not happen overnight , but alcohol is alcohol and we should be taxing alcohol volume and not the form that it comes in . ’
14 It seems to him , as he sits in his little white room , on a plain elm chair , at a plain oak table , with a view of green leaves outside the plain square window , and a plain old-fashioned black portable typewriter waiting beneath his fingers , that the purpose of all this massive display of hardware is clear : it is to overawe the minds of men and to symbolize their subjugation .
15 Ann Thwaite , in her biography Waiting for the Party , suggests the relevance to The Lost Prince of a certain incident in October 1913 .
16 Bottle-necks were not restricted to the railways ; at the end of March twentyfive ships lay in Reval harbour waiting for berths .
17 All this time he had been keeping a reserve force waiting in the library .
18 Her face flushed and she turned almost desperately to Marguerite as they sat in the small gold and white salon waiting for their refreshments .
19 But the Hall of Light faded , and the impression of great elegance and immense silence and a drifting unfamiliar scent faded , and he was falling forward and there was some kind of cell waiting for him , and this was surely the end of everything , and this was surely all he could ever expect anywhere in the entire world …
20 Try pulling one of the other 's single doors open on a mountain in a gale waiting for a gust to catch it and snap the stay .
21 And the chauffeur drove me down in the car and sat beside the car waiting on me .
22 There was a red car waiting outside the farmhouse when she reached it ; the car 's wheels had cut deep tracks through the long grass , tracks that were only just beginning to fade as the plains wind breathed across them .
23 And , on his way to meet the Prime Minister , Mr Delors bumped his head on the car waiting for him at Heathrow .
24 We will fly you both from Heathrow or Manchester to Aberdeen , where you will find a complimentary car waiting for you , and which is yours for the entire weekend .
25 I sat in the restaurant car waiting for breakfast and peered eagerly through steamy windows at an obscure grey landscape , unwilling to miss any part of the new ground that I was covering .
26 ‘ You should have let me know you were coming earlier , I 'd have had a car waiting at the airport for you . ’
27 Or try the heart-in-mouth sensation when you 're strolling with your lover at some secret rendezvous and you suddenly see a neighbour across the street or your husband 's car waiting at the lights .
28 There had been a cancellation so two seats would be available on a Tarom flight five days hence with a Romanian Automobile Club hire car waiting at the other end .
29 More importantly , he felt like a great sponge waiting to be filled .
30 Cambridge were left high and dry for a time this afternoon as Oxford followed in the footsteps of many a champion boxer and left the opposition waiting at the official weigh-in .
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