Example sentences of "[noun sg] put her " in BNC.

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1 Brent council put her and her baby daughter in a ‘ bed and breakfast hotel ’ .
2 Brent council put her and her children in a ‘ bed and breakfast hotel ’ .
3 Nancy was able to come to Bedford and a kindly Methodist lady put her up for the night .
4 First , she contended that her husband put her under undue pressure to sign and that she finally succumbed to the pressure .
5 Despite herself , she found his concentrated attention put her off balance , but she was not going to hurt Jenny by responding in any way to his compliments and flattery .
6 It was like when she was eight , and Dead Daddy put her on Hero-9 to keep her under control .
7 A quick examination put her at ease but may have done little for her embarrassment ; the culprit was a misplaced liquorice all-sort .
8 Then , with the notion of what a girl with such a name must be like firm in her mind , she made this heroine of hers arrive somewhere and without delay put her into the first of a series of conflicts with , behind them , a gradually increasing aura of mystery .
9 Maman put her away , laughingly , and straightened her hat , pulled down her veil , and between finger and thumb , twisted its little knot neatly beneath her chin .
10 She considered approaching him and asking if it might be possible for them to spend more time together , but the difference of nine years in their age put her in awe of him still , and she decided it was not her place to make such suggestions .
11 How many times had Charles and her father put her down , discounted her opinions ?
12 A woman put her in a car and drove away and I did n't see Shelly again .
13 Bob and Tony go to the club this afternoon put her down , if I 'm any where near that I 'd fucking stop and all sorts .
14 At the same time the near certainty that at least one member of the household knew she had been out of her bed before dawn put her in a state of nervous watchfulness .
15 Charles was relieved that the information put her in the clear ; she had been telling the truth .
16 But ‘ the social worker put her name down for an EMI bed — eventually her name came to the top of the waiting list , and the social worker put her in .
17 When Julia was 20 , a social worker put her in touch with the National Deaf-Blind League .
18 The study skills she had learnt were certainly of value — six weeks before she went on her first overseas assignment her company put her through a crash course in Greek !
19 There was no sense in letting a silly thing like an unsolicited horoscope put her in a flap .
20 Nutty did know , but Hoomey 's expression put her off .
21 Something in his tone put her on her guard .
22 The calendar was ‘ discovered ’ to help publicize an early film , Clash By Night ( 1951 ) , and the fuss put her in the headlines and the box office draw category .
23 You put your face up like that to say good night and then his mother put her face down .
24 It would just be awful if her family put her away somewhere .
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