Example sentences of "[noun sg] showed me " in BNC.

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1 At Milson Airport , Palmerston North , in North Island , Bruce Farquar of the Manawatu Districts Aero Club showed me how they offer not only flight training but also aerial photography and with the slogan Time is money … flying reduces costs publicise their light aircraft passenger and freight services .
2 ‘ A stunt co-ordinator showed me how to do a fake punch .
3 A Reception lady showed me into a tiny broadcasting room full of switched-off microphones .
4 The midwife showed me a note that had been pinned to the baby 's jacket under the shawl .
5 The thought had barely come and gone , and I was in the act of reaching out to replace the whisky bottle , when a long burst of electric-blue light from the aperture showed me something that froze me in mid-reach .
6 His Excellency showed me a film he had taken of the three northern islands of the Tonga group which — being some 300 miles north of the main island — are invariably overlooked by such few visitors as Tonga receives .
7 They gave each other presents at the Hanukha-Christmas festival , and the rector showed me his latest gift , a book with the inscription ‘ To my friend the rector , from his friend , the rabbi ’ .
8 The landlord showed me the way to the railway station and off I went .
9 A friend showed me this in the newspaper .
10 However , a few months ago , a friend showed me his latest acquisition , the all-singing-all-dancing computer which did just about everything except dive for you .
11 His heavily built wife showed me my room and soon I was on the end of a bench in the small dark restaurant , supping soup with the few day-trippers ; listening to their stories .
12 The bartender showed me his even white teeth .
13 However the event showed me I was a fool for entertaining a sense even of surprise .
14 George pointed wordlessly to an immense tank of water and with amusement showed me the system for telling the quantity of the contents .
15 When I looked more closely , the ropes , winches and heaps of nylon netting showed me that they were superior fishing vessels .
16 Driving away , I noticed that the vast chimney was still not functioning , but when I called at a neighbouring house a woman showed me videos she had taken of smoke coming from the plant , settling in her garden .
17 They stood to the side as I entered then the woman showed me to a chair as the man brought two glasses and placed them on the table in front of me , then said very seriously , ‘ This is my wife .
18 A cheerful , freckled young woman showed me to a small seedy room and I began to unpack .
19 Later , in her bedroom , her ladyship showed me her bruises and asked : ‘ Sue , what has happened to Diana ?
20 Then I came to Newgate Prison , where a drunk old man showed me the place where prisoners were hanged , and told me excitedly that four men would die there tomorrow .
21 Another glance in the mirror showed me the twin head-lamps of a powerful car about the size of a small battleship .
22 The mirror showed me a youngish man , perhaps a little thin and no more than average height — whatever average is in a galaxy overflowing with exters and mutant humans .
23 When I arrived the housemother showed me around .
24 A secretary showed me into an ornately furnished drawing room and a few minutes later Sir George came in .
25 ‘ The robin showed me the way , Ben , ’ she replied .
26 When I asked to speak for a moment with Miss Lavenza , a manservant showed me into a living-room and asked me to wait .
27 The Second Son showed me how to make the hollow of one palm meet the other .
28 A young woman living in a semi-detached house on an unpopular Sheffield estate showed me a letter she 'd just received from the electricity board : " A board employee will … call at your premises to cut off the electricity supply on 9/11/82 .
29 The skipper showed me round .
30 Martin who was directing pop videos at the time showed me the video just after leaving college .
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