Example sentences of "[noun sg] off that " in BNC.

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1 I 've cut a bit off that , about a quarter of it
2 In my , in my day probably someone did it a little bit off that , different
3 ‘ And you let them use the income off that ?
4 Goes to get the flexible hose off that was ruddy frozen , you the , the union ?
5 The least he could do , Graham thought was take off that ridiculous tartan cap .
6 Graham finished in a time of 10hrs 07mins 40secs , not bad considering the terror canoe section , but this season he is convinced that he can knock as much as an hour off that effort with more intense training and kinder weather .
7 Urgh , all the blood off that meat is making me feel sick !
8 For heaven 's sake get your weight off that ankle and rest it . ’
9 ‘ I can phone from anywhere , and I 'll go mad if I have nothing to take my mind off that worthless brother-in-law of mine , but I 've changed my mind about the wall .
10 ‘ What shall I do to keep my mind off that thought while the day passes ? ’
11 You got ta get that roof off that erm jeep though .
12 And I 'm going to say right , I 'm going to run my fan heater off that ,
13 ‘ If I 'm not mistaken , I pulled a pissed up matelot off that blonde piece on V.E. night .
14 Cut th , you can cut the bottom off that .
15 Well you can cut the bottom off that .
16 No they 're not no come on we 'll have the lid off that thank you , you can go down , mummy can get you some clothes to wear oh
17 I know I when I make chutney I use look you 'll smash all the enamel off that casserole and it 's a pretty one , I do n't want it , why do n't you have a run around outside ?
18 Well we were taken up to the standby boat which is I mean every vessel in the North Sea , every rig and installation has a boat that circles it , non stop , twenty four hours a day and I mean that The standby boat on Piper I mean it was the the two inflatable boats off it that picked everybody up , and most folk up , and one of them was lost , they lost two of the crew off that .
19 In an area 10° wide either side of the bearing on the OBS , the needle will indicate displacement off that bearing .
20 No , I can leave your name off that .
21 And last Sunday had been Clare 's birthday , and Clare 's only day off that week .
22 So we 've been starting on the , but this is a bit of a shame though because , what I like , when we , when we , when we have our three days off , it 's nice to know on your , on your last day off that still have a late night because your not back to work until the afternoon you know .
23 wax jackets but they 're a waistcoat and I 've , I 've ordered one really just to see what it 's , it 's like , because erm at the moment I can , I just try and get a bit closer to the door , I think we 'll go round again , erm cos in the , in my club book at the moment , I , I can get twenty percent off and which brings it down to , it 's twe well say thirty pound so twenty per cent off it brings me down to erm brings it down to twenty four pounds and then erm with my commission off that brings it down to just under twenty one pound
24 have the er figures in front of you of our progress during the last twelve months you will no doubt see that we are in a very nice financial position er only a pound and a penny off that magic thousand pound in in the club now .
25 ‘ It was extremely dangerous because there would then have been another , hundred-foot drop off that cliff , ’ said stunt arranger Stuart Fell .
26 By rearranging production , transferring labour between industries , society can swap 2 meals for 1 film , exactly the trade off that would leave consumer utility unaffected .
27 You can take that rubbish off that chair and wipe it , will you ? ’
28 He took a front page off that .
29 It means that when they have a tip off that devil worshippers are slaughtering animals , they have to wait until the animal is ill treated before they can act .
30 The operation followed a tip off that stolen cars were being processed or 'rung' there .
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