Example sentences of "[noun sg] so she " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What 's wrong with you ? ’ she repeated , resting her forearms on the coach roof so she could hide her trembling hands .
2 It was too hot on the roof so she got up and slithered down the ivy into the dark , damp place at the side of the boathouse and went indoors .
3 Just as she felt ashamed and somehow responsible for the disgrace of her mother 's lover so she felt that the man 's attack had been her fault .
4 Yeah , own private shower unit , with a special seat so she could sit and have a shower .
5 Charity did n't deal in small talk so she did n't bother to play that game .
6 Her straw bonnet had a large brim which was usually turned back from her face , but today she did n't want people looking at her grief so she had tipped the brim down .
7 She would have liked to make some cutting rejoinder but none came to mind so she went out , closing the door behind her .
8 She knew it would be tantamount to suicide to try to go in through the open doorway so she made her way cautiously around the side of the building , careful to duck low enough under the shattered windows to avoid detection .
9 They walked out to his car together in a contented silence , and when they got there he came round to the passenger side to hold back the low tendrils of an overhanging jasmine vine so she could slide easily into the seat .
10 ‘ Philip , ’ said his Mum , turning round in the car so she could see him , ‘ Joyce is asking if you 'd like to stop here with Barry instead of coming back to work with me . ’
11 She did n't have her car so she goes , to Bunnie , you can take her home , yeah ?
12 But bought her a telly so she 's not having too many .
13 ‘ And then we have an old lady , more or less an invalid so she never goes out , who thinks she saw someone climbing over the garden fence one night .
14 Mrs Putt might want a stall cleared out and fresh straw put in for some company she 's expecting , or she 'll want me to hitch up a carriage so she can go visiting .
15 ‘ You tied them with a line and taped Mrs Bayles mouth so she could not speak , threatened them with weapons and left them tied while you ransacked their home a truly terrifying experience for them . ’
16 and it jerked me , but she said it 's a muscle been pulled and it 's , it keeps spasm so she said er , could of been nasty , said I dare n't tell him , cos I says if I tell him it was his fault , I says he 'll never give me another ride , it 's again Thursday night coming back , and his car , you know the car kept , bump , bump , bump , bump , bump
17 She was quietly , in a place called Peddeston , she 's chucked a travel ticket , it 's a bit much for her to do , big tough training and that sort of thing , but hopefully she 'll pass her test in the near future , and all she needs to be able to do is get her rise so she can afford to make up .
18 He would just walk on , holding her hand and letting her lead him , turning his head a bit so she would n't see his closed eyes and keeping the sun on his left cheek as an additional guide .
19 3 At 4 pm. her car engine starts playing up a bit so she slows down to 20km /h for the rest of her journey home , Answer these questions from your graph .
20 I was the boy hiding in the cupboard , gagging my little sister so she would n't cry out .
21 If she denied fitzAlan 's story so she could have the solar to herself , she would become lost in a morass of other lies and explanations , and her mind was n't clear enough to cope with such a task .
22 And she 'd like to take part in the advanced driving course so she can spin other people 's cars instead of mine , and pass them .
23 I 've just given her twenty pounds , she 's got no change so she 's going to drop me the pound in .
24 precisely , I mean Prince , the Duchess of York goes to church and she lived in sin for ye years with that bloody racing driver so she 's , she 's nothing
25 The crash left his girlfriend 's face partially paralysed ; Seth later said he married her in part so she would n't sue him .
26 She said the salesmen refused to take a cheque so she handed over £30 deposit and the salesmen left .
27 There was no sign of either Ferdinando or Annunciata in the kitchen so she was bold enough to tip-toe towards the drawing room where she hesitated again and peered round the door .
28 ‘ There is a phone in number for viewers to air their opinions and he called in and said he was furious about what had happened to this poor woman and wanted to give her the money so she could buy presents for the boys .
29 Steal little bits of money so she could buy drink .
30 ‘ She would n't be meeting other people and she would n't have her own money so she could n't go .
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