Example sentences of "[noun sg] available for " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , they have taken no part in the great debate in the Scottish Constitutional Convention , although there is still a seat available for that party .
2 While 73 per cent of economically active heads of households in the General Household Survey of 1980 had one or more cars , the fact remains that three in five adults even in car-owning households do not drive , and many more do not have a car available for use during the daytime ( Hillman and Whalley 1977 ) .
3 Of all the treatments for obesity , none could be more physiological or less psychological than the operation known as jejeunoileostomy or ileal bypass , in which most of the small intestine is short circuited thus greatly reducing the amount of intestine available for absorbing food .
4 Have a good dictionary available for reference .
5 However , the absence of any immediate military threat enabled him to reduce naval expenditure in this and the succeeding Budget , thus leaving a small amount of revenue available for social expenditure .
6 There is only one class of mail available for letters to and from Europe .
7 Option 7.3.3 — View Individual Task Mail allows users to view any outstanding task mail available for them and respond appropriately or forward it to another user who may be more able to respond .
9 Ulpian 's words do not at all suggest that a remedy available for legacies was extended to cover trusts as well , but the reverse .
10 Rescission is one remedy available for misrepresentation under the Misrepresentation Act 1967 , s1 .
11 Family health services authorities , district health authorities , community health services , and local authorities within the development zone should join forces with local providers to conduct an urgent analysis of existing services in their particular patch , their staffing , and the capital stock available for primary and community health services .
12 A government strategy for the revival of British industry is that of making aid available for various aspects of business needs .
13 But fusion was at the time buried beneath a blanket of secrecy : not open to the usual processes of review that attend research available for the scientific community to read the scientific papers and arrive at their own interpretation of the results .
14 This willing integration is significantly different from the case at the other end of this spectrum , where the individual artist is in effect available for hire to glorify or embellish the particular court or household which has hired him .
15 The Master of the Merchant Venturers graciously made Merchants Hall available for these dinners , the first of which was organised for the Faculty of Medicine .
16 Elizabeth Hodder , whose wisdom I have relied upon in this section , found from personal experience that there was no help available for stepfamilies in Britain .
17 There are many groups , much literature , and a great deal of help available for the widowed or divorced — so much that to go into the subject in detail would require another book .
18 A presentation by Bob Wiggins ( ITD/DTI ) discussed sources for help available for organisations wishing to pursue an interest in expert systems , and future plans for developing the expert systems opportunities programme .
19 And Mr Corker has received letters from the tourism office advising him of financial help available for expansion plans .
20 For any given supply of ice cream , your consumption reduces the quantity available for others to consume .
21 A pure public good is a good for which one person 's consumption does not reduce the quantity available for consumption by others .
22 The reason for this is that as the core begins to saturate , the voltage available for saturation falls , tending to slow down the approach to saturation .
23 Auspex Systems Inc and Epoch Systems Inc have cut a joint marketing and development pact that will put EpochBackup and EpochMigration software on Auspex servers making automatic on-line backup and migration available for NetServers on a distributed network .
24 When examining racial representation in films made in this country , it quickly becomes apparent that there are not the plethora of images such as exist in American mainstream cinema , nor , consequently , the range of relevant theoretical and analytical critical work available for study .
25 He worked as a tunnel inspector and when there was no work available for him in London , he was offered work in Newcastle .
26 In recent years , the amount of work available for dockworkers has drastically declined because of the growing practice of loading and unloading goods in containers at depots outside the port areas .
27 By late October the NFU will have guidance notes on the amended Act available for its members .
28 However , because you may be in a situation where there is no equipment available for lifting a resident , we 've included some guidelines to protect both care assistants and residents from injury :
29 But the inventor refuses to make his equipment available for controlled scientific tests .
30 We have one of the widest stocks of aviation equipment available for quick and efficient despatch .
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