Example sentences of "[noun sg] council on " in BNC.

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1 The Soviet initiative builds on the ‘ peace offer ’ broadcast by Iraq 's own Revolutionary Command Council on February 15th .
2 The Sudanese People 's Liberation Army ( SPLA ) , waging a rebel war in the predominantly Christian southern part of the country , stated in a broadcast on its radio that 15 NCOs , all members of the Nuba tribe , had been executed by the ruling Revolutionary Command Council on Sept. 15 for allegedly plotting and collaborating with the SPLA .
3 It 's a Home Office post , attached to the Medical Research Council on Park Crescent .
4 In addition to providing information to the Science and Engineering Research Council on the initial destinations of IT Advanced Course students completing courses in 1984 , a secondary objective was to test a method of monitoring the output from the courses that may be adopted in future years .
5 Lord Keith then seeks to distinguish the approach which should be taken in Webb from the ruling in James v Eastleigh Borough Council on the ground that Ms Webb was not dismissed simply because she was pregnant but because she would be unavailable for work at the critical period .
6 Nether Wyresdale Parish Council have asked me to write and express their utmost concern at the policy adopted by Wyre Borough Council on Rents for Council Dwellings as expressed in the minutes of the Housing and Environmental Services Committee ( 8th September 92 HS.59 ) .
7 It was also felt that the views of Parish Councillors should carry more weight with the Borough Council on local matters in particular planning applications .
8 Councillor Fred Crowe ( UU ) was joining in tributes paid to the RUC and Army at Craigavon Borough Council on their success in detecting and dealing with a bomb last month .
9 Their plans were rejected by Darlington Borough Council on December 12 .
10 A recent publication from the Schools Examination and Assessment Council on advice for assessment at Key Stage 3 in mathematics and science holds useful information for the forward thinking history teacher .
11 Furthermore , the Commission sent recommendations to the National Curriculum Council on the matter .
12 MAJOR Courage Quarshigah and Jacob Yidana together with 15 other political prisoners were released by Ghana 's ruling Provisional National Defence Council on 20 March 1992 .
13 At the next Agriculture Council on 30 and 31 March .
14 I am sure that my hon. Friend welcomes the steps taken by my right hon. Friend the Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food in the Agriculture Council on this matter , especially in relation to the export of live horses .
15 This report was delivered at the Annual General Meeting of the Bar Council on 31st October 1992 .
16 This report was delivered at the Annual General Meeting of the Bar Council on 31st October 1992 .
17 In December 1991 the Bar Council engaged as the Bar 's Equal Opportunities Consultant for a limited period to advise the Bar Council on strategy for implementation of the policy .
18 Representatives of the NAC met the Guild Council on 21 October and made it quite clear that the NAC could not continue to recognize the Guild as the youth section of the Party if it retained sympathetic affiliation to the Young Communist International .
19 I am chairing a meeting of the duchy council on 29 January and I plan to visit the county palatine on 7 March .
20 The Higher War Council on April 4 handed down death sentences on 16 soldiers tried by court martial on charges of military rebellion arising from the occupation of the national radio station in January [ see p. 38706 ] .
21 By 75 votes to 20 , with 40 abstentions , the assembly endorsed a document similar to the one vetoed by the US , Britain and France in the Security Council on Saturday .
22 He objected strenuously to the terms of the ceasefire resolution passed by the UN Security Council on April 3rd ; but he accepted it ( as indeed he had to ) and is obeying its terms , more or less .
23 According to the UN Charter , ‘ Decisions of the Security Council on all other matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members , including the concurring votes of the permanent members ; provided that , in decisions under Chapter VI , and under paragraph 3 of Article 52 , a party to a dispute shall abstain from voting . ’
24 The UN security council on Wednesday passed a resolution allowing the use of force against aircraft violating the zone .
25 I shall chair a meeting of the United Nations Security Council on 31 January .
26 Faced with rapidly escalating Kurdish unrest in the country 's south-eastern provinces , the Army-dominated National Security Council on March 28 outlined a package of measures for the area .
27 Resolution 44/44 of Dec. 7 , adopted without a vote , allocated $US40,800,000 to the UN Observer Group in Central America ( established for a six-month period by the UN Security Council on Nov. 7 ) .
28 Denktash 's position was rejected by Resolution 649 approved by the UN Security Council on March 13 , 1990 , which reaffirmed the Council 's support for a bicommunal federal republic excluding " any form of partition or secession " .
29 A six-month extension of the UNFICYP mandate was approved by the UN Security Council on Dec. 14 , 1989 [ for 1987 , 1988 and June 1989 extensions see pp. 35850 ; 36711 ; 36823 ] .
30 The UN Security Council on Sept. 25 passed by 14 votes to one ( Cuba ) its Resolution 670 imposing an embargo on air traffic with Iraq , excluding flights on approved humanitarian missions .
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