Example sentences of "[noun sg] must make " in BNC.

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1 Then if there is a stipulation as to the time by which the buyer must make his nomination , that stipulation as to time relates to delivery and will be ‘ of the essence , ’ Bunge Corporation v. Tradax ( 1981 H.L. ) .
2 The upsurge of young talent at present must make 1993 Short 's only realistic chance to take the title and his personal dislike for the current world champion , which Short makes no attempt to hide , may add an extra edge .
3 A builder making a payment to a sub-contractor who does not have a certificate must make a deduction from the payment for tax .
4 You see our faith must make experiential , what God 's grace has made possible .
5 If this is the case then the opening sentence must make your purpose clear :
6 All three Ogres are very superstitious , and if the adventurers use some type of clearly visible magical effect each Ogre must make a Cl test .
7 The settlor , when creating an overseas settlement must make certain that he does not come within any of the provisions of TA 1988 , Part XV , Chapters I — IV if he wishes to avoid tax on the income arising to the overseas settlement .
8 Transactions of this kind must make us pause before we condemn all landlords as Gradgrinds , or make too large assumptions about the nature of medieval serfdom .
9 Runners heading for Greenwich Park must make certain that they only use the St Mary 's Gate entrance , off William Walk and Romney Road .
10 No-one would argue with the statistics — marriage breakdown has reached epidemic proportion , so the CMAC must make sure that everyone knows of its existence .
11 Index Pages These provide lists of options , from which the user must make a selection to access particular facilities .
12 Product description must make clear the function of the product , using the appropriate British Standard term , so that it is less likely that the product will be used as a straightforward cleaning agent without the necessary controls .
13 Though at times the verse is technically imperfect , it is full of passages of quite stunning beauty ; and the overall conception must make it , though unfinished , one of the most remarkable poems written in English in the twentieth century .
14 A poet must write poetry and a musician must make music — or they will never be happy .
15 Today 's judgement means that banks in future must make sure a spouse or partner is directly informed of risks .
16 A candidate 's election expenses must not exceed the maximum permitted amount , and he and , where appropriate , his election agent must make a return of them and declaration in the prescribed form within due time , otherwise his membership of the council will be in jeopardy .
17 If service of the demand has been acknowledged by the debtor himself or by someone authorised to accept service on the debtor 's behalf , the creditor or his agent must make the affidavit of service , exhibiting a copy of the acknowledgement ( r 6.11(4) ) .
18 From this moment onwards , each character loses 1 W point per round , and anyone trying to cast spells or do anything else which requires concentration must make a successful T test or be too distracted by the pain .
19 This means that in the case of fish some of the blood must make two or three trips around the lung circuit , and some carbon-dioxide-bearing blood makes several trips round the body before returning to the heart .
20 After being on the receiving end of the challenge which brought Marsh 's late dismissal , he allowed Piatnitski to complete a night which showed the strides the home side must make if it is to re-establish itself as a European force .
21 For both companies and individuals a new requirement is introduced for deeds : that the instrument must make it clear ‘ on its face ’ that it is intended to be a deed .
22 They are convinced that religion must make sense to believer and unbeliever alike .
23 And as a prime factor in public discussion , the Echo must make a decision about its own views . ’
24 This practice must make for speed and efficiency — and therefore economy — from the point of view of the consumer ( who ultimately pays the bill ) .
25 Of course , what this ignores are the often huge emotional sacrifices that the individual who becomes a tax exile must make .
26 But the treasury department must make sure that the people they target with summonses are not the innocent victims of a departmental mistake .
27 PR , they say , can not be allowed to obscure the other changes which Labour must make : a drastic reduction in the influence of the trade unions , which voters find increasingly repellent , and recruitment of a broader basis of support .
28 A few days later , on 8 June , the scheme was approved on two conditions : no unit was to be diverted from the essential defence of the British Isles ; and the new force must make do with a minimum of arms .
29 So the decision a judge must make in hard cases is discretionary in this strong sense : it is left open by the correct understanding of past decisions .
30 In addition , adventurers who failed the T test must make a Cl test or gain 1 Insanity Point as well .
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