Example sentences of "[noun sg] can put " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If any youngster coming into football can put as much enjoyment into his game as Mickey has done , then he 'll probably play as long .
2 Anyone viewing that figure can put the cursor on that item , press a key and be taken directly back to where the data was entered .
3 As we skimmed along the last hundred metres , I said to the lieutenant , ‘ Tuan , have you something the boy can put over his shirt ?
4 mm , mm , were , were talking about what happens when people who have fallen in love get together and decide to stay together for a bit and its been suggested that marriage can put some strains on er what started off as a very heady mutual experience , if your lucky , let me ask you this , do you think marriage destroys love ? , button one for yes and button two for no , does marriage destroy love ? , as you understand it mm a few are not sure but thirty people have said yes , who said yes
5 How one lesbian can put another lesbian on report I will never know , because as far as I 'm concerned that 's hypocritical , totally and utterly .
6 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the Robert Maxwell episode has vividly illustrated to the nation the fact that an unscrupulous director can put his hand in the till and get hold of pension fund money ?
7 If a group can put together a package of private goods sufficient to offset the costs of joining and supporting its activities , then an organization can form .
8 Jogging is not a particularly good form of exercise ( especially on city pavements ) ; all that pounding can put a great deal of strain on the lower back and can damage the knees .
9 Being together night and day can put a new kind of pressure on the relationship , particularly at first .
10 If you think I 'm letting go this prize gem I 've worked towards for all of my career , so that someone else on Verity magazine can put their name to it , you 've another — ’
11 Unicef argues that only high-level political commitment can put low-cost solutions into practice on the scale that is needed .
12 Drug use can put us at risk of getting or passing on HIV through unsafe sex and through sharing works
13 Unless a man can put some thematic invention into vers libre , he would perhaps do well to stick to ‘ regular ’ metres , which have certain chances of being musical from their form , and certain other chances of being musical through his failure in fitting the form .
14 Well like you said last time , I think only a man can put up with her .
15 For instance , after the day 's business is over , which is normally at 10 p.m. , the government can put through unopposed items ( such as the nomination of committees ) but if an MP shouts ‘ object ’ the matter is postponed .
16 It may function as a store of wealth , so that an individual or society can put away the wealth it may generate as the surplus between production and consumption .
17 An Adjustamatic Bed can put an end to your restless nights .
18 If you are new to the London area , the London Secretary can put you in touch with other Salford graduates and the London Branch organises a full programme of events including an annual social for new members in September or October , a Christmas reunion , an annual dinner and visits to theatres , art galleries and other places of interest .
19 It 's a very eighteen-century view of the world , one which says : ‘ Yes , all these terrible things can happen and yet a just ruler can put things right ’ . ’
20 However , there are two groups of women whose marital status can put them at risk of poverty in old age because of their inability to qualify for dependants ' benefits .
21 Thus drugs can be said to act on people and relax them ( 26 ) or bring them around ( 27 ) ; information can put some people in a favourable position with respect to others ( 28 ) ; and pointers can be seen as guiding people ( i.e. as somehow active or operative ) in the proper discharge of their duties .
22 And it is that uncertainty which limits the value the City can put on Sir Ernest 's other risky ventures , and explains why the share prices do not add up .
23 Although questions about the origins and nature of British culture are complex , school history can put shared inheritances in their historical context ; v ) to contribute to pupils ' knowledge and understanding of other countries and other cultures in the modern world .
24 In this seminar , we look at how a company can put together a cost effective security strategy , that takes into account the weaknesses of the various system components , including the users .
25 Having a factory bike can put a lot of pressure on you but when after just a couple of races you discover you can compete at the highest level , everything gets easier .
26 " No prahus can put to sea before the black goat of stability and the white cock of courage have been sacrificed for a safe journey .
27 A strong wind blowing in the right direction can put a metre on a high tide in exceptional circumstances , and the wind can also prevent the tide from receding as much as it should .
28 At worst , a poor rating can put a company out of business .
29 The cost of a funeral or cremation is considerable and many people have the feeling that the dead person should have the very best , but this decision can put them in debt for some time to come .
30 In view of my evident misery , both at the onset and towards the end of the disease , the two statements may at first seem irreconcilable : I was desperately unhappy and had known for years that death can put an end to everything , including unhappiness .
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