Example sentences of "[noun sg] has to decide " in BNC.

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1 It is not that the hearer has to decide which of a range of possible interpretations the speaker intended .
2 Having chosen what group or institution is to be studied , the research has to decide what their ‘ cover story ’ is going to be .
3 Targets for reductions are issued but each local council has to decide for itself how to meet the targets .
4 I mean you ask what it 's like erm being a member of the majority Labour group , being the leader of the City Council , it 's extremely hard work , it 's an enormous responsibility , and on many occasions it 's extremely frustrating because the amount of freedom that the City Council has to decide its policy and decide its spending priorities is reducing all the time .
5 " This bloke said , " Well , it depends on discretion , you 're not entitled , you know , and it 's not in my hands , my superior has to decide . "
6 If it were n't that a judge has to decide a case , quite a few of Edward 's legal opinions would probably end in a question mark . ’
7 Where the plaintiff claims continuing loss the judge has to decide the issue by reference to interest on the loss calculated up to the date of payment in .
8 Both were missing from the side which won 4-2 at Colchester United on Friday evening and the Robins ' boss has to decide whether to stick with the makeshift back four which performed so well at Layer Road .
9 When some curriculum content is selected , the teacher has to decide how pupil learning is to be assessed , as well as recorded and communicated ( e.g. , to parents ) .
10 If small groups of say three pupils per microcomputer , the teacher has to decide whether the program will run without intervention .
11 Therefore , the IB has to decide to have a last minute replacement on call in the event of a deterioration , or , if that proves logistically and financially prohibitive , reject the South African claim altogether .
12 Whichever approach is adopted ( that of the SDPP or of the School Management Task Force ) the head has to decide whether it is practicable in his or her school to assume that the more that teachers are asked to do in the way of auditing , laying plans , implementing them and reviewing them , the more they will understand about the effectiveness of pupils ' learning .
13 The court has to decide whether the mother 's refusal was outside the band of what a reasonable mother might do .
14 The court has to decide what standard of care it would be reasonable to expect a parent to give to the child .
15 Then the authority has to decide for one of the two or more acceptable options .
16 The datafile is able to deal with up to four hundred records at any one time and it is at this stage that the school librarian has to decide on the number of data disks which will be needed .
17 Secondly , it is unrealistic to divide the matters which a tribunal has to decide into preliminary and essential : all elements within the statement , ‘ if X , ’ in some way condition the jurisdiction to proceed to do Y. Thirdly , it is impossible to reconcile the cases which have used the collateral fact doctrine .
18 Within one month of receiving the notification , the Commission has to decide whether to approve the merger or to open proceedings .
19 An office manager has to decide whether to change the procedures in his office for handling routine transactions .
20 With these nine potential partners in addition to teachers , parents and other phases of education , the manager has to decide whether to seek a broad partnership or the separate involvement of individual co-operators .
21 A second male said , ‘ Women who start families and continue with families do n't appear to go through the system … a woman has to decide that she 's going to be a career-based woman and not a family-based woman .
22 At present the coroner 's jury has to decide if the precious objects were buried with the dead , given to gods as a votive offering , or buried for safety to be dug up later .
23 What the jury has to decide is to which of these breeds McLean belongs .
24 The foreman of his jury wrote a letter to " The Times " : " Where a jury has to decide , as men and women of the world , " how much " " , the degree of uncertainty is so great that a random answer , consistent only with a total lack of any sort of yardstick , can be expected .
25 Michael Alison , Tory MP for Selby , said that under the act a jury has to decide whether the material has a tendency to deprave or corrupt .
26 Society has to decide how much risk-taking it wishes to encourage and to allow a proper return to risk-taking as an economic cost against accounting profits .
27 In the latter case , whether or not explicit communication takes place , each firm has to decide on the choice of action which is in its own best interest in the light of the fact that the others are behaving in the same way : we have a non-co-operative game .
28 Once the smile has been interpreted as a greeting , the receiver has to decide on an appropriate means of feedback .
29 A school has to decide what kind of organization it is ( a factory , a work community , a market-place ? ) , who its customers are , what they want and how that is to be delivered and measured .
30 Another aspect of this problem arises when the researcher has to decide whether to become involved in criminal activity .
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