Example sentences of "[noun sg] for control " in BNC.

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1 Gloucestershire county council is preparing it 's own case for control , which will be submitted this summer .
2 The major bloc-based classification reflects the economic , political and cultural-ideological struggle between capitalism and communism for control over the global system .
3 The struggle for control over the Baltic republics is rapidly being overtaken by a bigger struggle for power in the Soviet Union .
4 A good example is a recent struggle for control of the Sophonpanich empire .
5 The struggle for control
6 Moreover , the struggle for control of what little surplus was produced gave rise to various forms of bonded labour which created further barriers to economic development .
7 The stability which had characterized Edward IV 's last years had thus collapsed , almost overnight , into a struggle for control during the minority which was in the end to lose his son the throne .
8 Bourgeois individualism has a long history of subversive bohemian variants ; and the struggle for control of the elements of counter cultural musical style was a struggle between different aspects of the same principle .
9 Opinions on a whole range of theoretical issues were polarized in ways that can be related to positions taken up in the struggle for control of the social framework of science .
10 In reality , a perpetual struggle for control in work is not always obvious or observable .
11 The Gulf war could be described as the struggle for control of the post-cold war world order — a bid to retain American leadership , to establish a form of political regulation of the post-Fordist world economy that retains the Fordist political institutions .
12 One of the features which noticeably emerged in the 1980s was a struggle for control of the past , a confrontation primarily between those who perceive contemporary western civilisation as a triumph and those who question such a perspective .
13 Continuing struggle for control
14 The guard was removed on the following day , but the incident exemplified the renewed struggle for control over the influential liberal daily newspaper .
15 It was in the context of this struggle for control that the western world , with the United States at its head , decided to readmit Francoist Spain to its circle .
16 The stability which had characterized Edward IV 's last years had thus collapsed , almost overnight , into a struggle for control during the minority which was in the end to lose his son the throne .
17 PETER RADFORD , leader of a ‘ gang of four , ’ yesterday fired the first shots in a power struggle for control of British athletics .
18 Simpsons ' directors yesterday recommended that shareholders accept Baldwin 's offer in what is expected to be the conclusion of a bitter struggle for control of the group .
19 Today 's move is expected to be the conclusion of a bitter struggle for control of the group .
20 It need not be if the authorities do not acknowledge a responsibility for control of inflation or if they believe that exchange rates ( just like changes in wage rates , or indirect taxes ) do not influence inflation but rather have their effect on relative prices .
21 Non-Company ( such as maintenance contract ) staff must be clearly instructed that they must adhere strictly to all safety procedures with particular reference to fire evacuation and the whereabouts of such persons must be known by the warehouse management , a member of which should undertake the responsibility for control .
22 The choice of contract may also have a significant effect on the ability of the client to control costs. , If there is a firm , fixed design which is let on a fixed price basis , the primary responsibility for control of construction costs is given to the contractor .
23 In the background , the fight for control of L Detachment was still rumbling on .
24 As we have witnessed in the preceding chapter , the ideological contest for control of the past is largely predicated on the basis of the Renaissance being a phenomenon , something that can be discovered and controlled by accurate descriptions of what it is .
25 The dialectic of autonomy is one in which a constant ( but never static or final ) search for control and coherence needs balancing against a realism and tolerance born out of efforts to understand ourselves ( and others ) better .
26 THE head of French cosmetics giant L'Oreal yesterday ruled out any bid for control of the company by shareholder Nestle before 1994 .
27 Wallace Mercer , the effusive and outspoken chairman of Hearts , made a public and hostile bid for control of bitter rivals Hibernian , with the intention of merging the clubs to form an Edinburgh team capable of competing in a European super-league .
28 In other instances the temper tantrum is a bid for control of other people .
29 Then lower the rudder for control when you 're sailing away and gather the tiller and mainsheet in one hand .
30 Capacity for Control by Users
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